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I'll telephone you directly I get to Philadelphia. Good-bye!" The next instant she was gone and the gambler, with a muttered curse, went to the sideboard and poured out a glass of whiskey, with which to drown his disappointment. For a person so fastidious and particular, so fond of the luxurious and the elegant, Signor Keralio had certainly selected a queer neighborhood for his abode.

That man, the lawyer felt equally confident, was Keralio. He was the master counterfeiter. The first step to take was to find out where the counterfeiting was done, where Keralio had his plant, and the only way to do this was to follow the valet to his master's secret den.

Grumbling, he began to fumble at his waist: "I don't see what's the hurry." "But I see," exclaimed Keralio, his eyes growing larger, as he already saw the colossal stones glittering in his hand. The next instant Handsome had slid his hand under his waistcoat and unbuckled a belt he wore next his shirt. Unfastening a pocket and taking out the contents, he growled: "Here they are!

Keralio looked anxious. "Is there any danger of them having shadowed you and followed you here?" "No mon cher, pas le mains du monde. It took me three hours to come here from ze Pennsylvania station such a crazy in and out route I gave ze chauffeur. If they succeed in following such a labyrinth as that, they deserve to get us." Keralio smiled and pointed to a bottle of brandy on the table.

Inside the conversation began again. "Hush! Listen!" whispered Steell. The voice of Keralio was once more raised in angry tones. "Didn't I tell you that I wanted the child brought here at once?" "Oui, monsieur, but I could not. I had ze rest of ze money to get rid of and ze suitcase to carry. I will bring her in a taxi to-morrow." "Where is she?"

So, when the examination days came, the new Inspector, who came in place of the lad's friend Chevalier de Keralio, decided that young Napoleon Bonaparte was fitted for the artillery service; and at the age of fifteen the boy left the school at Brienne, and was ordered to enter upon a higher course of study at the military school at Paris.

"A clue a clue!" cried the lawyer, excitedly. "Can't you see it? François is hand in glove with Keralio the master rogue who is making this counterfeit." "What do you propose to do?" "Find where Keralio lives then, perhaps, we'll find the lost diamonds." "This way," whispered Dick, as he darted swiftly from door to door, "keep close behind me, and stick to the wall, or he'll see you."

They have not recognized in the polished, suave Signor Keralio, the popular fencing master, the man they have been hunting for years. His real name is Richard Barton. His pals call him Baron Rapp. Five years ago he was convicted of robbing a bank out West and was sent up for ten years. He served a year in Joliet and then broke jail and he has been at liberty ever since."

Yet he would not rest until it was solved. To-morrow he would get Dick Reynolds busy, and they would go to work in earnest. The first thing to find out was what took Keralio and Kenneth to the Bronx. "Does Keralio live in the Bronx?" "I don't know," said Helen. "I'll find out," said the lawyer, grimly. At that moment Ray returned, holding out a new ten-dollar bill. "I was right," she cried.

The kindly criticism of his friends, General Marbeuf and Inspector de Keralio, had left their effect upon him; and besides the companionship of his fellow-countryman, Demetrius Comneno, he had the good fortune to make his first really boy-friend in his roommate at the military school.