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The oldest manuscript of a miracle play in English is The Harrowing of Hell, believed to have been written in 1350. The Morality plays were the outcome of the Mysteries; they were either allegorical or else taken from the Parables, or from the historical events in the Bible. The chief Moralities were Everyman, Lusty Juventus, Good Counsel, and Repentance.

"Alas, Vincent," said I, "I am marked out for slaughter, for you cannot convince me by words, and so, I suppose, you must conquer me by blows. Adieu, this is my way to Lord Dawton's: where are you going?" "To mount my horse, and join the parca juventus," said Vincent, with a laugh at his own witticism, as we shook hands, and parted.

And if you wish to know what an established church can do by way of setting up dullness in high places, get a volume of this "Grand Old Man's" writings on theological and religious questions. Read his "Juventus Mundi", in the course of which he establishes, a mystic connection between the trident of Neptune and the Christian Trinity!

That is from a book in which we have only 'the husks and shells of sciences, all the kernel being forced out, as the author informs us, 'by the torture and press of the method. But it was a method which saved them, notwithstanding. This is the book that contains the 'nuts, and this is the kernel that goes in that particular shell or a corner of it, 'Antiquitas seculi juventus mundi.

What can be greater than either the Thought or the Expression in that Stanza, To drive the Deer with Hound and Horn Earl Piercy took his Way; The Child may rue that was unborn The Hunting of that Day! 'Audiet pugnas vilio parentum Rara juventus'. Hor. What can be more sounding and poetical, resemble more the majestic Simplicity of the Ancients, than the following Stanzas?

"Wine is the only youth granted to middle age," I continued, "in vino juventus, one might say; and may you, my dear young friend, long remain so proudly independent of that great Elixir though I confess that I have met no few young men under thirty who have been excellent critics of the wine-list."

Jamque super triginta millia armatorum aspiciebantur, et adhuc affluebat omnis juventus et quibus cruda ac viridis senectus, clari bello et sua quisque decora gestantes: cum inter plures duces virtute et genere praestans, nomine Calgacus, apud contractam multitudinem proelium poscentem, in hunc modum locutus fertur: XXX. "Quotiens causas belli et necessitatem nostram intueor, magnus mihi animus est hodiernum diem consensumque vestrum initium libertatis totius Britanniae fore.

Praise Him who has spared you for this.” It was too much for the patient in his weak state; he could but shed happy tears. Another day he had sat up in bed. He looked at his hands, from which the skin was peeling; he felt his lips, and it was with them the same; and his hair seemed coming off also. He smiled and said, “Renovabitur, ut aquila, juventus mea.”

But, on the other hand, the peculiar blessedness of boyhood may itself be but a symptom of the same complaint, for the two effects are strangely similar; and the frame of mind of the invalid upon the Alps is a sort of intermittent youth, with periods of lassitude. The fountain of Juventus does not play steadily in these parts; but there it plays, and possibly nowhere else.

She could borrow the freedom of the old Roman lips, to repronounce, in her own new dialect, not their anticipation of her veto only, but her eternal affirmation, the word of her consulship, the rule of her nobility, the nobility of being, being in the human, the nobility of manliness, the divinity of State, the true doctrine of it; and, to speak truly, 'Antiquitas seculi, juventus mundi.