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It is most important for everyone who is capable of higher and nobler thoughts to keep their mind from being so completely engrossed with private affairs and vulgar troubles as to let them take up all his attention and crowd out worthier matter; for that is, in a very real sense, to lose sight of the true end of life propter vitam vivendi perdere causas.

"Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas," so wrote of him his great successor and admirer, yet added, with a tinge of pathos which touches us even now, "Fortunatus et ille deos qui novit agrestes."

Let it suffice, that it is a fit soil for praise to dwell upon: and what dispraise may set upon it is either easily overcome, or transformed into just commendation. How can I but exclaim, Musa mihi causas memora, quo numine laso, Upon this necessarily followeth, that base men with servile wits undertake it: who think it enough, if they can be rewarded of the printer.

Capitular Seal "ad causas." 3. For purposes of secular jurisdiction Ripon, with the lands round it, was a Liberty, exempt, that is, from the authority of the Sheriff. The Liberty was almost co-extensive with the Peculiar. In cases of homicide, however, a king's justice must sit as assessor.

But perhaps his most characteristic lines are rather those where his moral indignation breaks forth in a sort of splendid violence quite peculiar to himself; lines like Et propter vitam vivendi perdere causas, or Magnaque numinibus vota exaudita malignis, in which the haughty Roman language is still used with unimpaired weight and magnificence.

For further information on this subject, the reader is referred to the Tentamen Medicum of Dr. Jeffray, printed at Edinburgh in 1786. And it is hoped that Dr. French will some time give his theses on this subject to the public. Felix, qui causas alt

Felix qui potuit rerum cognoscere causas, Atque metus omnes, et inexorabile fatum Subjecit pedibus, strepitumque Acherontis avari.

It is then necessary to drop one's daily agnosticism and attempt rerum cognoscere causas. If your aeroplane has a slight indisposition, a handy man may mend it. But, if it is seriously ill, it is all the more likely that some absent-minded old professor with wild white hair will have to be dragged out of a college or laboratory to analyze the evil.

What ha' ye to do wi' martyrs? a meeserable wretch that sells his soul for a mess o' pottage four slices per diem o' thin bread-and-butter? Et propter veetam veevendi perdere causas! Dinna tell me o' your hardships ye've had your deserts your rights were just equivalent to your mights, an' so ye got them."

He has rescued the story of the Netherlands from the domain of vague and general narrative, and has labored, with much judgment and ability, to unfold the 'Belli causas, et vitia, et modos, and to assign to every man and every event their own share in the contest, and their own influence upon its fortunes.