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So he at once said, "Aldermen and town councillors of the Phaeacians, we have had enough now, both of the feast, and of the minstrelsy that is its due accompaniment; let us proceed therefore to the athletic sports, so that our guest on his return home may be able to tell his friends how much we surpass all other nations as boxers, wrestlers, jumpers, and runners."

"They intoxicate themselves with singing and dancing. Look at those fellows on the outer edges of the line jumping up and down." "An' did you ever see savages more loaded down with war paint?" said Long Jim. "Why, I think it must be an inch thick on the faces uv them dancers an' jumpers!"

Sammie and Uncle Wiggily cut a long piece, and then they took hold of each end and began to turn the rope for Susie. At first she could not do very well, even though there was a nice, smooth, grassy place to learn on. Then out of a pond jumped Bully, the frog, and, as he was one of the best jumpers in the woods, or, for that matter, on Orange Mountain, he showed Susie just how to do it.

"I'm game," he cried, "and you don't have to kiss me either. But if some Dago tenor " "No," she promised looking up at him wistfully. "I'll I'll save the kiss for you." The industry of four jumpers, digging in like gophers on the best of Bunker Hill's claims, was brought to an abrupt termination by the appearance of one man with a gun.

You stand off the tenors and I'll stand off the jumpers; and then, perhaps but we won't talk about that now. Come on, will you shake hands on the deal?" She looked at him questioningly, his powerful hand reached out to help her, the old, boyish laughter in his eyes, and then she smiled back as bravely. "All right," she said, "but you'll have to be careful because now I'm your dearest friend."

So The Wand took up the issue, using what influence it had to bring a halt to the activities of the claim jumpers. And the homesteaders continued their battle for the thirsty land. Whisky barrels and milk cans were the artillery most essential to keep this valiant army from going down in defeat.

From the receiving corral three Mexicans in slouched hats and jumpers drove the sheep into a broad chute, yelling and hurling battered oil cans at the hindmost; by the chute an American punched them vigorously forward with a prod, and yet another thrust them into the pens behind the shearers, who bent to their work with a sullen, back-breaking stoop.

Another party, under Christian, proceeded to some neighbouring rocks, and there, with sledge-hammer and crowbars, which they used as jumpers, began the laborious task of boring the solid rock, intending afterwards to blast, and partly to cut it, into large water-tanks. Quintal continued the thatching of his hut, in which work his humble wife aided him effectively.

He did not do it noiselessly, and one of the two jumpers sprang backward a pace. "Somebody in that clump of fern," he said, and then apparently recovered a little from his alarm. "It's that blame fool Charley."

There were five springs altogether; he proposed that each one make himself responsible for a certain spring, and see to it that no water reached the jumpers. "And I don't care a tinker's dam how you do it," he said. "Drink it all, if you want to. I'll take the biggest that one under the milk-house." Whereat they jeered at him for wanting to be close to Evadna.