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Updated: August 17, 2024

Yes, the regret of no longer being what he was and of no longer making any conquests!" He was sleeping now and beginning to snore. She looked at him with a pitying expression and continued: "Oh! how many conquests that man has made! More than one could believe, monsieur, more than the finest gentlemen of the world, than all the tenors and all the generals." "Really? What did he do?"

Basses and barytones sing in the chest register only; tenors are usually taught to sing in the chest register; but few teachers believe that the high falsetto is worth the expenditure of the time and energy necessary to attain facility in its use.

There were one or two ambitious orchestra conductors in America; one in Chicago trying to introduce the Wagnerian polyphonic school, and perhaps one or two in New York; but the public clamoured after divas, prima donnas and tenors with temperaments and vocal pyrotechnic skill. For orchestral music there was little demand.

Our Sabine Farm was surrounded by others and there was a neighborhood hymn to the dawn that it took us some time to really enjoy if we ever did. Sopranos roosters; altos pigeons, and ducks; tenors goats; bassos cows, and one donkey. There was nothing missing to make a full, rich volume of sound.

On account of the rumours of the Count's approaching visit he had a choir practice every day, morning and evening. The choir practice was held at the school. It did not interfere much with the school work. During the practice the schoolmaster, Sergey Makaritch, set the children writing copies while he joined the tenors as an amateur. This is how the choir practice was conducted.

The most important register is the medium, particularly of tenors, for this includes the greater part of the tenor's voice and can be utilized even to the top of his range if rightly produced. In the matter of taking high notes one should remember that their purity and ease of production depend very much on the way the preceding notes leading up to them are sung.

Bloom wound a skein round four forkfingers, stretched it, relaxed, and wound it round his troubled double, fourfold, in octave, gyved them fast. Full of hope and all delighted... Tenors get women by the score. Increase their flow. Throw flower at his feet. When will we meet? My head it simply. Jingle all delighted. He can't sing for tall hats. Your head it simply swurls. Perfumed for him.

and the baritones, flinging themselves around with the looseness of Christy's Minstrels, in a "break down," would reply: "Don't tell me! Don't tell me!" Then the tenors would resume: "Says I, Ole man, your horse'll die." Then the baritones, with an air of exaggerated interest; "A-ha-a-a, Billy Patterson!" Tenors: "For. It he dies, I'll tan his skin; An' if he lives I'll ride him agin,"

Whether there might not be a subdivision of this register made to advantage in training, the author leaves as an open question; but about straining, in the case of tenors and all others, and as to the importance of recognizing three registers for female voices, there is in his mind no question.

"Who lives here?" the basses demanded in grim melody, and the tenors responded, "Old Silas Berry, who charges sixpence for a cherry." Silas heard the mocking refrain repeated over and over between shouts of laughter long after they were out of sight. Rose, who had not been bidden to the picnic, heard it and wept as she peered around her curtain at the gay party.

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