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"Well, I rather guess not," and Craig picked up his hat from the top of the desk. "Do you imagine I 'll let go of you that easily, now that you are here? Well, hardly. You 've got to give up that excursion for one night at least, even if I 'm compelled to get you jugged in order to hold you safe. I can do it, too; I have a pull with the police department. My automobile fines are making them rich."

Of course Harry couldn't stand that and he cut Clint with his knife; of course he had to do it, for you see Clint was big as two of him and he'd just badgered the life out of Harry for a month, and so they jugged Harry, and he's there in jail and I suppose you've seen him; he's a fine-looking chap, dark hair, well built. He's a dandy ball player and skates bully; I wish you could see him shoot.

Eleanor's surmise proved to be correct. At the door of the station house, Grace's father awaited them, and they were conducted into the court room, where the first thing that caught Grace's attention was the eyes of the prisoner, that glared ferociously at her. "So you're the fresh kid that got me jugged, are you!" he snarled with a menacing gesture.

"Accidents is of two kinds: lucky and unlucky," he remarked briefly, by way of parenthesis. "But, of course, it is distinctly understood," went on Oldham, as though he had not heard, "that this is your own affair. You have nothing to expect from me if you get into trouble. And if you mention my name, you'll merely get jugged for attempted blackmail." Saleratus Bill's eyes flared.

I had only a quarter of jugged cat for breakfast, and the brute was tough. In reply to your question, may I put another Did you lay in plenty of stores?" "Stores? no; I am a bachelor, and rely on the stores of my married friends." "Poor De Breze! I sympathise with you, for I am in the same boat, and dinner invitations have become monstrous rare." "Oh, but you are so confoundedly rich!

Albert felt a steady return of waves of pain, but did not know that they were waves of returning life. He groaned, and tried to rise. The girl gently but firmly restrained him. Hartley was walking beside the doctor, talking loudly. "It was a devilish thing to do; the scoundrel ought 'o be jugged!" Albert groaned, and tried to rise again. "I'm bleeding yet; I'm soaking you!"

The first salutation I had, after seating myself in one of the stalls, was, "Ox tail, Sir; gravy soup; carrot soup, Sir; roast beef; roast pork; boiled beef; roast lamb; boiled leg of mutton, Sir, with caper sauce; jugged hare, Sir; boiled knuckle of veal and bacon; roast turkey and oyster sauce; sucking pig, Sir; curried chicken; harrico mutton, Sir."

"Guess I'll play Shakespeare myself," he murmured, and after some thought, scribbled down the following: "And I am jugged Alone in solitude, and by myself Alone. I sit and think, and think, And think again. Old Crabtree, Base villain that he is, hath put me here! And why? Ah, thereby hangs a tale, Horatio!

He delivered the goods and got the big fellows interested." "He stole 'em, those coal lands. He jugged 'em thro' Land Office records with false entries." The telegraph man had lowered his voice. "We don't call 'em stolen when it's been the making of the Valley." "No, because the Smelter is a sacred cow mustn't be touched for the sake of the grease."

"What do you mean by we, Ben?" asked Lawry quietly. "Why, you and me, of course. I know something about steamers, and perhaps I should be willing to go captain of your boat, if you ever get her into working order." "Perhaps you would," answered Lawry. "Of course you mean to use the boat for the benefit of the family, now the old man is jugged and can't do anything more for them."