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In the Chinese temple, or Joss-house, the last devotee had departed. The hanging lights had been dimmed and now the fantastic shapes with which the place was decorated, seen in the subdued light, stood out in all their shadowy weirdness.

In Chinatown Conception of God The Joss House Chinese Mottoes The Joss a Chinaman Greek and Egyptian Ideas of God Different Types of Madonnas Chinese Worship and Machine Prayers The Joss-House and the Christian Church Chinese Immigration Chinamen in the United States A Plague Spot Fire Crackers and Incense Sticks The Lion and the Hen The Man with Tears of Blood Filial Piety The Joss Origin of the World Creation of Man Spirits of the Dead Ancestral Rites The Chinese Emperor What Might Have Been The Hand of God.

At one moment I was lost in a bitter reflection of how many excursions and similar wanderings Viola had shared with me; at another, my mind seemed leaping eagerly forward, to seize this new joy in front of me. "That's a joss-house, and that's a tea-house, and that's a silk merchant," remarked my guide at intervals, indicating different buildings as we passed.

"I want to ride on top of it where the wind can blow through my whiskers. My head feels like a joss-house!" "Oh, but you were funny!" cried Eleanor. "I wish you could have seen your face when all those women swarmed around you. I was afraid you were going to jump out of the window! Did you ever feel anything so hot and stuffy as that room? And weren't they all silly and make-believe?"

It consists of a number of detached rooms, scattered about a garden. I have installed myself in the joss-house, my bedroom being on one side, and my sitting-room on the other, of the idol's altar. We have a letter informing us that the Emperor has named two great Officers of State to come here and treat, and our Admirals are in very good humour, so that matters look well for the present.

A small earthen pot, containing sacred earth and rice, stood in front, in which Joss-sticks and other incense was burnt. A lighted lamp, too, was here always kept burning; if it had gone out during a voyage it would have been considered an omen of bad luck. On the right and left, before coming to this Joss-house, were paintings.

I may mention incidentally that the caretaker of the joss-house was a strong, healthy, powerful man. As we are now on a splendid point of vantage for a bird's-eye view of the town we may as well take a glance over it.

The two men hurried along a "goat" path, skirted the town wall, and stole through a dark gate into a darker maze of lonely streets. Drawing nearer to a faint clash of cymbals in some joss-house, they halted before a blind wall. "In the first room," whispered the guide, "a circle is drawn on the floor.

I hope, my dear son, that all is made honestly. There are some things in your letter which have puzzled me a little, and I do not know that I exactly understand all that you say. You also speak of visiting the Joss-house once or twice.

At the end of the saloon was the Joss-house, or idol-house, containing the idol Chin-Tee, having eighteen arms, with her attendants, Tung-Sam and Tung-See. The richly-gilt idol was made of one solid piece of camphor-wood, and had a red scarf thrown round it. An altar-table, also of camphor-wood, and painted red, stood in front of the Joss-house, with an incense burner placed upon it.