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Here is an inventory of its contents, which, with itself, Jodoque laid down with considerable effect: Imprimis, one piece of cloth, on the use of which Jodoque gave an essay. Item, three cards of knitting-wool, for mittens. Item and finis, one white rabbit, the skin of which, Jodoque suggested, would make him a cap. "Good!" said Bertha; "Jodoque," she added. "My angel!"

It is, and was, the custom in Rügen for the bridegroom to make a present, in a fancy basket, to the bride; and that the town might not talk, Jodoque brought his bride a basket, though it was not particularly large, nor was it particularly heavy.

Jodoque suggesting that the mayor could not want advice, the mayor admitted there was something in that, but still a word was a word. Things, in fact, were in a pretty state, for the burgomaster, now he had to do with the escape of a French prisoner. And this was the case. The French were off the town, and at that time the French had the luck to be generally sure in the matter of victory.

Jodoque did not instantly rush forward to re-arrest this prisoner; but it struck him there must be a reward for the recapture; so, determining upon taking the prisoner and the basket at one fell swoop, he tore away to the burgomaster's to inform him of the discovery. He reached the official residence, and drew the pompous little burgomaster to his bedroom-window in a moment.

Jodoque, prompted to sudden hospitality, had offered the sailorly personage a seat at his marriage dinner-table, and he, with a great laugh, accepted the invitation. He strolled leisurely on by the side of the bridegroom, until he heard the bride's name, when behold the effect produced! For he started back, and at first showed signs of choking his informant.

"Do you remember the poor sailor-boy Daniel?" "I never saw him," said Doome. "No, friend sailor, you need not squeeze my hand, I never did see him." "Well, he has grown a man, and has come home." "Then," said Jodoque, "I suppose I may go home." "Come home? where is he? Still, my sailor friend, I can't tell why you should tremble." "Yes, he has come home; and if he will have me, I will marry him."

The articles in question were at the deceiver Bertha's. At the first break of day he would go and demand his property. Being unable to sleep through the remainder of the dark hours, he presented but a disreputable appearance when he clapped to the little door of his house. It was barely light, and it was not an overpowering distance for Jodoque to walk from his house to Bertha's.

The burgomaster was rather scandalized that such a respectable man as Jodoque should be out at such an hour; but when he heard the information, he grew considerably cold, and rather wished the French fleet would successfully challenge the place at once, and relieve him of his admirable chance of the halter. Was ever burgomaster in such a fix?

This little woman's name was Doome; nobody knew why she was called Doome, but everybody called her Doome, all over the little town. "Good morning, gentlemen! God preserve you, Jodoque! Good morning, Bertha!" for here the door opened. As she opened and appeared at the door, the sailor looked hard at her; but she did not start as she returned his look.

Jodoque sadly wanted to reach Madame Kurrig's, but the burgomaster sadly wanted help, though he would not confess it openly; so he hooked himself on to Jodoque and uttered this sentence, "And this detested smuggler, too!" The effect of which was, that Jodoque became utterly pale and trembled violently.