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So far is clear at once, that the preacher’s object is the spiritual good of his hearers. “Finis prædicanti sit,” says St. Francis de Sales; “ut vitam (justitiæ) habeant homines, et abundantius habeant.” And St. Charles: “Considerandum, ad Dei omnipotentis gloriam, ad animarumque salutem, referri omnem concionandi vim ac rationem.” Moreover, “Prædicatorem esse ministrum Dei, per quem verbum Dei

EX PETERETUR: em. for peteretur in the MSS. The words expetere, expetendum are technically used in Cicero's philosophical works to express the Greek ‛αιρεισθαι, ‛αιρετον as applied to the finis or τελος, the supreme aim of moral action. Pulchrum above is a translation of the Greek καλον, a term constantly applied to the τελος, particularly by the Stoics.

Mad. is coming 3 times a week, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and on Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays I have my music lesson, so I can't go; so Finis and Jubilation! That's what Oswald always says at the end of the year and at the end of term.

He was admitted, and the first glance of the countenance of M. de Maupeou convinced me that our day of power was rapidly closing. "Your servant, cousin," said he, seating himself without the smallest ceremony; "at what page of our history have we arrived?" "By the unusual freedom and effrontery of your manner," answered I, "I should surmise that we have reached the word <finis>."

"Sometimes I think, Dotty, you'd be as good and nice as a summer-sweeting, if you wouldn't play with naughty children, like Lina Rosenberg; but if you do, you'll be like a potato, as true as you live. "Finis." The next day was Thanksgiving. Dotty wakened in such a happy mood that it seemed to her the world had never looked so bright before.

Any unusual softness he had shown to her, any unexpected pleasure in her company, was just for the sake of a certain memory he held very precious, for the sake of what the book contained, upon which he had written "Finis." Of course, she might have known. What should such a man as he be drawn to except in friendly intercourse in a girl as young and simple and undeveloped as herself?

I had a capital half-hour with Jacob Faithful last night; when the last sheet was corrected, when "Finis" had been written, and the printer's boy, with the copy, was safe in Green Arbor Court. So you are gone, little printer's boy, with the last scratches and corrections on the proof, and a fine flourish by way of Finis at the story's end. The last corrections?

I desire to live for you in the future, more completely even than in the past I have lived for myself. I do not wish to influence you by personal appeals, but in fact I stand at the parting of the ways. If you will give yourself to me I feel as though I might still become a husband of whom you could be proud if not, I write 'Finis' upon the tombstone of the possibilities of Robert Seymour.

Here is an inventory of its contents, which, with itself, Jodoque laid down with considerable effect: Imprimis, one piece of cloth, on the use of which Jodoque gave an essay. Item, three cards of knitting-wool, for mittens. Item and finis, one white rabbit, the skin of which, Jodoque suggested, would make him a cap. "Good!" said Bertha; "Jodoque," she added. "My angel!"

"But you haven't forgotten your promise?" "'Bargain' shall we call it?" he replied. "No, I have not forgotten." "Tony says you could have a peerage whenever you liked." "Then I suppose it must be so. Just at present I am not prepared to write 'finis' to my political career." The butler announced dinner.