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M. Cazal has an assortment of canes and whips the most varied that can be imagined; it would be difficult to fancy any pattern or form that is not to be found in his numerous collection. His establishment is No. 23, Boulevard Italien, where there is always some one in attendance who speaks English.

Thus we even find individual Carbonarists with pronounced Anarchist views and tendencies. Malegari, for instance, in 1835, described the raison d'être of the organisation in these words : "We form a union of brothers in all parts of the earth; we all strive for the freedom of mankind; we wish to break every kind of yoke." J. A. M. Brühle: Die Geheimbunde gegen Rom. Zur Genesis der italien.

The fastidious Parisians recognized her power in the autumn of 1821, when she sang at the Théâtre Italien; and at Verona, during the Congress of 1822, she was received with tremendous enthusiasm. She returned to Paris the same year, and in the opera of "Romeo e Giulietta" she exhibited such power, both in singing and acting, as to call from the French critics the most extravagant terms of praise.

Seizing a sheet of paper, I wrote: "Contemptible old creature, your daughter no longer loves G , she loves a door-keeper in the Théâtre Italien, who is a very handsome fellow." I sent this to D , who is going to mail it as if it came from Nice. I wanted to howl this morning, but it would be too much like the dogs I sigh and I laugh, which is amusing.

Fabrice était tellement troublé, qu'il répondit en Italien: l'ho comprato poco fa. (Je viens de l'acheter

Some time after our rupture, you wished to study music, under the celebrated baritone who made such a successful appearance at the Theatre Italien; at the same time I felt inclined to learn dancing of the danseuse who acquired such a reputation in London. This cost me, on your account and mine, 100,000 francs.

La Ville comprehended all the rest of the capital, not included in the suburbs. The Faubourgs retain their ancient names; but those of many of the streets have been changed in the course of the revolution. The Chaussee d'Antin, which comprises the new streets north of the Boulevard Italien, is now the most fashionable part of the town.

Browning, its two most perfect exponents. His description of Lancret's Repas Italien, in which 'a dark-haired girl, "amorous of mischief," lies on the daisy-powdered grass, is in some respects very charming. Here is his account of 'The Crucifixion, by Rembrandt. It is extremely characteristic of his style:

The Faubourg St. Antoine, hearing of what was going on at the Theatre Italien, flocked together, and began to talk of marching towards the scene of action. The Queen preserved the calmest demeanour; the commandants of the guard surrounded and encouraged her; they conducted themselves promptly and discreetly. No accident happened.

He went that evening to the Théâtre Italien with the queen, Madame Elizabeth, and his children.