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'Thank you! I'll be there at a quarter after four or thereabouts. 'It's like as if what must be! Meshach murmured to himself with almost sad resignation, in the enigmatic idiom of the Five Towns. But he was highly pleased that he, the first of all the townsfolk, should have seen Arthur Twemlow after twenty-five years' absence.

The artist showed us his work with great satisfaction, and was evidently very much pleased at the praise we bestowed upon him for it. He attached great importance to his knowledge of the English language, for when Herr von Carlowitz addressed him in Chinese, he answered in English, and requested us to continue the conversation in that idiom.

"You learn English idiom at the Mission College, it seems." "Yes, sir, they are the best idioms, and my father ordered me to ask your honor to say a word for him to the present incumbent of your honor's shoes, the latchet of which he is not worthy to open, and who knows not Joseph; for things are different at Sher shah now, and my father wants promotion."

"The man has had the cure of that parish for how long, do you say? twenty-five years, and has never had the curiosity to discover the most rudimentary facts in its history." "A hard case," assented Sir Harry. "He lifts his elbow, too." "Eh?" "Drinks." Sir Harry illustrated the idiom, lifting an imaginary glass to his mouth. "Oh, it's notorious. But what the deuce can we do?

And Conrad would have had his reputation if he had migrated to Kansas instead of to the English sea. In point of fact, much may be said, and with justice, against Conrad's style. It misses occasionally the English idiom, and sometimes English grammar, which is a trivial criticism. It offends more frequently against the literary virtues of conciseness and economy, which is not a trivial criticism.

You can say so many things in a joking way, you can do so many things in a joking way especially in Northern countries, where it is easy to joke unseen. Meanwhile, with Ninetta, I discourse sweet nothings in my choicest idiom which has grown rather rusty in England. Italian is a flowery language whose rhetorical turns and phrases require constant exercise to keep them in smooth working order.

The French language, transplanted to Provence, seems like the cast-off clothes of a Parisian dandy adapted to the robust shoulders of a harvester bronzed by the Southern sun." The Provençal, in its two principal divisions, the Gascon and Langue d'Oc, is the current idiom south of the Loire.

Then she said icily: 'And what do you want? 'I am come back, he muttered hoarsely in Yiddish. 'And where is Gittel? she answered in the same idiom. The needles of the whirring machines seemed piercing through his brain. So London knew that Gittel had been the companion of his flight! He hung his head. 'I was only with her one year, he whispered.

For is not the world a stage? Le troisieme dessous is the lowest cellar under the stage at the Opera where the machinery is kept and men stay who work it, whence the footlights are raised, the ghosts, the blue-devils shot up from hell, and so forth. Every word of this language is a bold metaphor, ingenious or horrible. In this idiom everything is savage.

Conception and imagination are themselves automatic and run in grooves, so that only certain forms in certain combinations will ever suggest themselves to a given designer. Every writer's style, too, however varied within limits, is single and monotonous compared with the ideal possibilities of expression. Genius at every moment is confined to the idiom it is creating.