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But on the chance that somebody did keep on his feet and bring her home, they were ready with a cover. If no one raises a howl Sargol will be written off the charts as infected, I-S sits on her tail fins a year or so and then she promotes an investigation before the Board. The Survey records are trotted out no infection recorded. So they send in a Patrol Probe.

They did not dare set the Queen down at any Patrol Station. But a Company one which would be manned by only two or three men and not expecting any but their own people and I-S owed them help now! "There may be trouble," he said, not that he would have any regrets if there was.

He began to spell out, in grim satisfaction: "R-o-c-k-e-t s-h-i-p i-s " "Look out!" gasped Sylva. "They say look out, Thorn!" Then she screamed. As Thorn swung his head around, he saw a dense mass of white vapor rushing over the hillside toward them. He picked Sylva up in his arms and ran madly.... The white vapor tugged at his knees. It was a variation of a vortex-stream.

In the very act of falling Jellico had pulled his legs under him so that he was not supine but crouched, and his net swept but at ground level, clipping the I-S man about the shins, entangling his feet so that he crashed heavily to the sod and lay still. "The whip that Lalox whip trick!" Wilcox's voice rose triumphantly above the babble of the crowd.

It was a point of honor that no blood should be drawn at the first round. To Thomas, who had second choice, fell the right of giving the first word. So to little Jessie, at the foot, he gave "Ox." "O-x, ox," whispered Jessie, shyly dodging behind her neighbor. "In!" said Margaret to Johnnie Aird. "I-s, in," said Johnnie, stoutly. "Right!" said the master, silencing the shout of laughter.

"They aren't any more anxious to see us go than we are to get out of here. You've pulled it off for us again, Van, and we're lucky to get out of it this easy " Van Rycke rolled his eyes ceilingward. "You'll never know how lucky! Be glad Combine hates the space I-S blasts through. We were able to use that to our advantage.

The words flashed into his mind as the auto-learner had planted them during his first year of training back in the Pool. "To no alien race shall any Trader introduce any drug, food, or drink from off world, until such a substance has been certified as nonharmful to the aliens." There it was! I-S had them and it was all his fault.

As for me, without my I-s, I should be as poorly off as the great mole of Hadrian, which, being the biggest, must be also, by parity of reason, the blindest in the world. When I was in college, I confess I always liked those passages best in the choruses of the Greek drama which were well sprinkled with ai ai, they were so grandly simple.

Swiftly Dane outlined their suspicions that the seat of the trouble lay in the hydro and that they should clean out that section, drawing upon emergency materials at the I-S E-Stat. "Sounds all right. But you know what they do to pirates?" inquired the Engineer-apprentice. Space law came into Dane's field, he needed no prompting.

"But," Dane broke the silence, "how did they know? We haven't reported in " "The Eysies!" Ali had the answer ready. "That I-S ship must be having the same sort of trouble and reported to her Company. They would include us in their report and believe that we were infected too or it would be easy to convince the authorities that we were."