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In his sketches of society, Hyland Creagh, the duellist, old Cregan, and the rest, Griffin is describing a state of affairs previous to his own experience, the Ireland of Sir Jonah Barrington's memoirs; he is not, as were Carleton and Miss Edgeworth, copying minutely from personal observation.

To this we may add that in the domain of high literature the Blacks of the United States, for the twenty-five years of social emancipation, and despite the lingering obstructions of caste prejudice, have positively achieved wonders. Leaving aside the writings of men of such high calibre as F. Douglass, Dr. Hyland Garnet, Prof. Crummell, Prof. E. Blyden, Dr.

'A thoroughbred that's wot he is, said Mathews, apparently addressing the distant refugees. "Miss Elise was heer last week and is that sweet grown that all the woonded tommies fit with pillos to see who wud propos to her. There ain't no news. Bertha the skullery maid marrid a hyland soldier and they are going for to keep a sweet-shop after the war.

"I'm going to see if the devil's as black as he's painted." Then, setting spurs to his horse, he galloped away through the palms to the gate. A year later Hyland the bushranger was shot in a struggle with the mounted police sent to capture him. The planter's wife read of it in England, whither she had gone on a visit. "It is better so," she said to herself, calmly. "And he wished it, I am sure."

I suppose you haven't noticed it." Hyland looked gravely eastward. "Sure 'nough!" said he. "Better get some grub," suggested Wallace. After the men had gone in, he turned to the journalist. "Hamilton," he began, "write all you know about the drive, and the break, and the rescue, but as to the burning of the mill " The other held out his hand. "Good," said Wallace offering his own.

At the boarding-house they found Wallace Carpenter and Hamilton seated on the veranda. It was now afternoon. The wind had abated somewhat, and the sun was struggling with the still flying scuds. "Hello, boys," said Wallace, "been for a little walk in the woods?" "Yes, sir," replied Jack Hyland, "we " "I'd rather not hear," interrupted Wallace. "There's quite a fire over east.

"I'm going to see if the devil's as black as he's painted." Then, setting spurs to his horse, he galloped away through the palms to the gate. A year later Hyland the bushranger was shot in a struggle with the mounted police sent to capture him. The planter's wife read of it in England, whither she had gone on a visit. "It is better so," she said to herself, calmly. "And he wished it, I am sure."

The young fellow scratched his head awkwardly, and gave one or two excuses, but finally the truth came out. He had a fancy for little Janie Hyland, and she had a fancy for him, but there was a richer man seeking her, and, said the young fellow simply, 'I'm thinking if the father knew how little came to my share he'd be showing me the door. 'Does Janie know, Patrick? asked the elder brother.

"My God!" said Houghton, turning upon him with staring eyes, "you are " "Whose horse is that?" interjected Cayley. Firefoot laid his head upon Cayley's shoulder. Houghton looked at them both for a moment. "It is the horse of Hyland the bushranger," he said. "All Queensland knows Firefoot." Then he dazedly added: "Are you Hyland?"

I'll make it over to you, and you can keep your share in the farm too. I'll work the farm for you if you won't ask me to have anything to do with the shop. Tut, tut, man! he said, pushing away Patrick's secretly delighted protests, 'all I have would come to you one day, and why not now, when you think it will make you happy? So Patrick bought Grady's and brought home Janie Hyland.