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Now's a good time," said Atwater, who watched the game a good deal, but never took a hand in it. "Well, I shan't urge him, ef he's in 'arnest," said Seth; "though he has kep' me at it a darned sight longer 'n I wanted to, sometimes, when 'twas my tin 'stid of his'n that was goin' by the board.

"He done so," said David sententiously. "Jest as I knowed he would, after he'd hem'd an' haw'd about so much, an' he rode a mile an' a half livelier 'n he done in a good while, I reckon. He had to pull that old broad-brim of his'n down to his ears, an' don't you fergit it. He, he, he, he! The road was jest full o' hosses.

He led me into a little bedroom, and placing the candle on a polished dresser, he regarded me with sympathy. "So you're Miss Lizbeth's boy," said he. "An' she dade. An' Marse Alec rough an' hard es though he been bo'n in de woods. Honey, ol' Breed'll tek care ob you. I'll git you one o' dem night rails Marse Nick has, and some ob his'n close in de mawnin'."

'Now am not I a fool, am I not, Miss? there, I knew I ought for to keep father at home, and away fro' the folk that are always ready for to tempt a man, in time o' strike, to go drink, and there my tongue must needs quarrel with this pipe o' his'n, and he'll go off, I know he will, as often as he wants to smoke and nobody knows where it'll end. I wish I'd letten myself be choked first.

She was a likely person, and I allus thought that proud sister of his'n, the Widder Warner, might have been in better business than takin' them children away as she did, because he married his hired gal. But it's as well for them, I s'pose, particularly for the boy, who is one of the fust young men in Wooster now. Keeps a big store!"

"What's happened to Hopewell?" added Aunt 'Mira. "Enough, I should say! He's out carousin' with that fiddle of his'n down ter Lem Parraday's tavern this very night with some wild gang of fellers, and my 'Rill hum with that child o' his'n. And what d'ye think?" demanded Mrs. Scattergood, still excitedly. "What d'ye think's happened ter that Lottie Drugg?" "Oh, my, Mrs. Scattergood!

He pointed to a parcel which contained chemises and nightdresses. 'That, said Mrs. Marston, frowning portentously at Hazel, who was tearing it open 'that is other useful garments. 'What for canna I show 'em Ed'ard? I want to show all. The money was his'n. It was a tribute to Edward's self-control that she was so entirely lacking in shyness towards him. 'My dear! A young man! whispered Mrs.

Tell Fan, for me, if she gits George Ludlow, her fortin will be fixed. A good many young bucks, that feels above him, might thank the powers, if they knowed as much as he, and was half as likely. Wish I had ollers did as wal as George, and my mind was peaceful as his'n. But I must go hum. I calkilate to start on a journey to-morror, for the Holland Purchase, and I've a little fixin' to dew."

"How?" said Dick, laughing. "By telling on him the truth, sir." "What truth?" "I stood back and looked at him, and I says to him: `There, sir; don't you feel like a new man? "Ah, yes! he says, with one o' those big mellingcholly sighs of his'n, which makes me think he's got something on his mind. "`And now, sir, I says, `you look puffect. "`Oh, nonsense, man! he says, sharply.

Well, it's his'n, and he's a right to do what he likes with the place. Ah, many's the time I've been up here too. Why, Jose the carpenter chap's cut away the top of the post here. You used to be able to move a bit of an iron contrapshum, and that would send the fan spinning, and the whole top would work round till the sails faced the wind." "Well, the whole top will work round now, David."