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The troopers were squabbling amongst themselves; he was able to make this much out in spite of the fact that the sepoys, recruited exclusively from the native population of Khandawar, spoke a patois of Hindi so corrupt that even an expert in Oriental languages would experience difficulty in trying to interpret it.

'That shall be said in the letter, which is to Mahbub Ali, the horse-dealer in the Kashmir Serai, at Lahore. He is my friend. 'Wonder on wonder! murmured the letter-writer, dipping a reed in the inkstand. 'To be written in Hindi? 'Assuredly. To Mahbub Ali then. Begin! I have come down with the old man as far as Umballa in the train.

I noticed with astonishment that, except for his copper-colored hair, he bore a remarkable resemblance to myself. "'Lahiri, you have come! The saint addressed me affectionately in Hindi. 'Rest here in this cave. It was I who called you. "'Lahiri, do you remember that seat? The yogi pointed to a folded blanket in one corner.

For, as he explained in an audible aside to the ticket-agent, this sahib was an outlander and, being as ignorant as most sahibs, could not understand Hindi. At this the Eurasian turned away to hide a grin of delight and the driver winked deliberately at Amber the while he broadly sketched for him his ancestry and the manner of his life at home and abroad.

A free translation of the tenth book into Hindi, called the Prem Sagar or Ocean of Love, is greatly revered in northern India. Other sectarian Purâṇas are frequently read at temple services. These vernacular Purâṇas seem to be collections of strangely fantastic fairy tales.

A curious indication of the Indian origin of the Gipsies may be found in the fact that they speak of every foreign country beyond sea as the Hindi tem, Hindi being in Hindustani their own word for Indian.

He spoke melodiously in Hindi. "Our Heavenly Father has heard your prayer. He commands me to tell you: Follow the behests of your guru and go to America. Fear not; you will be protected." After a vibrant pause, Babaji addressed me again. "You are the one I have chosen to spread the message of KRIYA YOGA in the West.

It was the common method of communication between different classes, as English may have been in London under Edward III. The classical languages of Arabia and Persia were exclusively devoted to uses of law, learning, and religion; the Hindus cherished their Sanskrit and Hindi for their own purposes of business or worship, while the Emperor and his Moghul courtiers kept up their Turkish speech as a means of free intercourse in private life.

"If he could see as well as he can hear, he would not allow man or horse to go on the road." The Hindi alphabet Deva Nagari, "the writing of the gods," is commonly called Nagari. A common English Gipsy word for writing is "niggering." "He niggered sar he could pooker adree a chinamangree."

There is however a difficulty about his date. Native tradition gives 1270 as the year of his birth but the language of his poems both in Marathi and Hindi is said to be too modern for this period and to indicate that he lived about 1400, when he might easily have felt the influence of Râmânand, for he travelled in the north.