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I had not the heart to do it, and as I slowly moved away, there came to me the last words that I ever heard from Rudder Grange: "And with one wild shry ik to heav en her heart's blo od spat ter ed that prynce ly home of woe "

'I don' 'xactly know, Ati, dear. But Tom say he mean dat by-an'-by, if we is good an' don' lie an' steal, an' don' kill nobody, dat we all go to heav' when we is die. 'Lita, dear, Ioane say one day dat de Bible say my fath' go to hell because he get drunk all de time. 'Don' you b'lieve him, Ati; Ioane is only dam Kanaka mission'ry. Wassa the hell do he know 'bout such thing?

Already do I feel the dreadful sickening weakness growing on me. Help, oh! help me Heav no, no! Dare I call on Heaven to help me? Is there no fiend of darkness who now will bid me a price for a human soul? Is there not one who will do so not one who will rescue me from the horror that surrounds me, for Heaven will not? I dare not ask mercy there." The storm continued louder and louder.

You go to heav' sure 'nuff, and you' fath' come to you there by-an'-by. He never been steal or lie; he on'y get drunk. Don' you be 'fraid 'bout dat, Ati, dear. An' you will see yo' mother, too.

As if to prove that he was still conscious, Edwards's lips tried to frame the words: "Thank heav " A sigh, and Edwards's head sank forward on his chest. "He's gone, sir; there's no pulse," said the hospital steward. Edwards's brave mission was ended. He had carried the word of danger to Fort Franklin, but he could not live to see the relief or vengeance detail set out.

We stayed over Sunday, and we went to the Episcopal church near our hotel, to hear an English divine preach." "Well?" "He was the celebrated pulpit orator, the Dean of Olivet " "Good Heav " exclaimed Mr. Fabian, involuntarily, but stopping himself suddenly. "What is the matter?" demanded Cora, suspiciously. "I was too near the edge of the precipice.