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"I'll remember that; double for trouble." "Three means good news. There's luck in odd numbers." "And what is four?" "Well, it ain't har'ly ever used. If I seen four smokes in camp I'd know something big was on maybe a Grand Council." "Well, if you saw five smokes what would you think?" "I'd think some blame fool was settin' the hull place a-blaze," Caleb replied with the sniff end of a laugh.

"It's too airly," said Granny, "but it's round thayer in heaps in August an' is the purtiest red iver grew. 'An Pokeweed, too, it ain't har'ly flowerin' yit, but in the fall it hez berries that's so red they're nigh black, an' dyes the purtiest kind o' a purple." "What makes blue?" "Oi niver sane none in the quills. Thayer may be some.

Ristofalah nivver goes into peticklers, an' so I har'ly know anny more than jist she's a-comin'. Come, git in an' tell me about Mrs. Richlin' that is, if ye like the subject and I don't believe ye do." She lifted her finger, shook it roguishly close to her own face, and looked at him sidewise. "Ah, nivver mind, sur! that's rright!

Loomis showed no recognition of the name. "Ramy? When was he discharged?" "I don't har'ly know. He was very sick, and when he got well his place had been filled. He married my sister last October and they went to St. Louis, I ain't had any news of them for over two months, and she's my only sister, and I'm most crazy worrying about her." "I see." Mr. Loomis reflected.

The farmers moved away. Said Michael Donovan in a low voice to John Kearney: "Will she go back, d'ye think?" "I d'no. Har'ly, I think!" "It'd be a pity anything'd happen her. She's a lovely girl to ride!" "You may say that, Michael! The father gave her the sate, but it was the Lord Almighty gave her the hands!" said old Kearney, devoutly.

"There it is, straight ahead the biggest of the three that you see above the scrub. You notice it's a different colour?" "'Deed ay, so it is. A wouldn't be onaisy, Tammas; it's har'ly likely there's much wrong but it's good to make sartin about it." No effort could shake off the apprehension which grew upon me as we neared the fence.

A ken har'ly crarit it, Tammas!" exclaimed the evergreen, grasping my proffered hand, while his face became transformed with delight. "You're so much changed," said I "so manly and sunburnt, and bearded like the patriarchs of old that I did n't know you when I brought that wire. But I wonder how you failed to recognise me, considering that you heard my name." "Och, man dear!

"The minute we got out there, and he found the job wasn't as good as he expected, he changed. At first I thought he was sick I used to try to keep him home and nurse him. Then I saw it was something different. He used to go off for hours at a time, and when he came back his eyes kinder had a fog over them. Sometimes he didn't har'ly know me, and when he did he seemed to hate me.

Anny time a millyionaire condiscinds to enther th' martial state, as Hogan says, an', as Hogan says, make vows to Hyman, which is the Jew god iv marredge, he can fill th' house an' turn people away fr'm th' dure. An' he does. Th' sthreets is crowded. Th' cars can har'ly get through. Th' polis foorce is out, an' hammerin' th' heads iv th' delighted throng.

He said it just as I was going out of the store. What you think, Ann Eliza?" "Oh, I don't har'ly know." To save herself, Ann Eliza could produce nothing warmer. "Well, I don't pretend to be smarter than other folks," said Evelina, putting a conscious hand to her hair, "but I guess Mr.