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Pardon my tears, I leave a wife and children." "Where are your friends?" asked Robin. "Where are the last year's leaves of your trees?" asked the knight. "They were fair enough while the summer sun shone; they dropped from me when the winter of trouble came." "Can you not borrow the sum?" asked Robin. "Not a groat," answered the knight. "I have no more credit than a beggar."

I know that he could have pleaded his debt to Lord Cholmondly, and to Brooks himself, &c., neither of whom probably would have received a groat; but that matter is over for the present. I have taken the liberty to talk a good deal to Lord Stavordale, partly for his own sake and partly for yours, and pressed him much to get out of town as soon as possible, and not quit Lord Ilchester any more.

Then take the water out of the Furnace seething hot, and strain it through a Range-sieve; then put in the honey, and Mash it well together: then take your Sweet-wort, and strain it through a Range. Then try it with a New-laid-egg. It must be so strong as to bear an Egg the breadth of a groat above the Liquor: and if it doth not, then put in more honey, till it will bear the Egg.

"That is a great deal," said I, "for a groat I ought to have a pint of ale made of the best malt and hops." "I give you the best I can afford. One must live by what one sells. I do not find that easy work." "Is this house your own?" "Oh no! I pay rent for it, and not a cheap one." "Have you a husband? "I had, but he is dead." "Have you any children?"

Gubin said with an oath: "Fine masters these masters who grudge one a groat, and squander a rouble! What if a fire WERE to break out? Oh, the blockheads!"

In that country, all the reports agreed, "they have every necessity of life very cheap"; and every luxury as well forty pounds of "excellent fresh ginger for a Venice groat"; "three pheasants for an asper of silver"; five grains of silver buying one of gold; three dishes, "so fine that you could not imagine better," to be had for less than half a shilling.

When I was a child in short-coats a spaewife came to the town-end, and for a silver groat paid by my mother she riddled my fate. It came to little, being no more than that I should miss love and fortune in the sunlight and find them in the rain.

There is no fear of losing thee, John, any more than the Tower of London. I grieve for His Majesty's exchequer, after keeping thee two months or more." "Nay, my lord, I crave your pardon. My mother hath been keeping me. Not a groat have I received."

She has, for some months, been solicited in marriage by an honest citizen, a thirty thousand pound man; and instead of listening to such an advantageous proposal, she hath bestowed her heart upon a young fellow not worth a groat. Ah! you degenerate hussy, this comes of your plays and romances.

"Oh, tolerably well, sir; we get bread and cheese and have a groat in our pockets. No great reason to complain; have we, neighbours?" "No! no great reason to complain," said the other two. "Dear me!" said I; "are you the publicans?"