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I did not ask him anything more. I am telling you Dushkin's story. 'I gave him a note' a rouble that is 'for I thought if he did not pawn it with me he would with another. It would all come to the same thing he'd spend it on drink, so the thing had better be with me.

After the last rouble had been spent, Itzig sought refuge in the great synagogue, where as beadle he executed any little duties for which the services of a pious man were required sat up with the sick, prayed for the dead, trimmed the lamps and swept the floor of the House of Worship; in return for which he thankfully accepted the gifts of the charitably inclined.

In all he had less than a rouble, but he preserved it as if it were a million. The baggage of the deck passengers consisted of boxes and household furniture in general, not omitting the ever-present samovar. This baggage was piled on the deck and was the reclining place of its owners by day. In the night they had the privilege of the after cabin, where they slept on the seats and floor.

The goldfinches cost five kopecks, the siskins are rather more expensive, while the value of the other birds is quite indeterminate. "How much is a lark?" The seller himself does not know the value of a lark. He scratches his head and asks whatever comes into it, a rouble, or three kopecks, according to the purchaser. There are expensive birds too.

All these men of to-day who give themselves out as honest and progressive people can be bought at a rouble a piece, and the distinguishing mark of the 'intellectual' of to-day is that you have to keep strict watch over your pocket when you talk to him, or else he will run off with your purse." Rashevitch winked and burst out laughing. "Upon my soul, he will! he said, in a thin, gleeful voice.

But I do mind seeing the process of impoverishment from a sort of I don't know what to call it innocence. Here a Polish speculator bought for half its value a magnificent estate from a young lady who lives in Nice. And there a merchant will get three acres of land, worth ten roubles, as security for the loan of one rouble.

He enjoys seeing and hearing the polite and genial young man. To show goodwill on his side also, he takes out a ten-rouble note and, after a moment's thought, adds a couple of rouble notes to it, and gives them to the station-master. The latter takes them, puts his finger to his cap, and gracefully thrusts them into his pocket.

"Why, that means `Go faster, and with that you hold up a larger piece of money." "Why, then, it's no use remembering Scoro at all, for Scorae will do much better; so we need not burden ourselves with the first at all. Suppose we try the effect of that last word upon our bear-skin friend who is driving!" McShane held up a rouble, and called out to the driver "Scorae!"

A hundred kopecks go to the rouble; the silver rouble being worth from two and tenpence to three shillings and twopence, the paper rouble about two shillings.

I gave you two roubles last time for your ring and one could buy it quite new at a jeweler's for a rouble and a half." "Give me four roubles for it, I shall redeem it, it was my father's. I shall be getting some money soon." "A rouble and a half, and interest in advance, if you like!" "A rouble and a half!" cried the young man. "Please yourself" and the old woman handed him back the watch.