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What shall the harvest be? Loudly ticked the old clock in time with the doxology, the other day, when they cleared the tenants out of Gotham Court down here in Cherry Street, and shut the iron doors of Single and Double Alley against them.

With the almost disappointed thing of might purring tamely along through the far-spread town, and then on through level ways of beauty, leading the way to Gotham, Dorothy found that she was still clinging fast to Jerold's arm, after nearly ten minutes of peace. Then she waked, as it were, and shyly withdrew her hand.

The gap in the social body, between rich and poor, is no longer widening. We are certainly coming closer together. A dozen years ago, when the King's Daughters lighted a Christmas tree in Gotham Court, the children ran screaming from Santa Claus as from a "bogey man." Here lately the boys in the Hebrew Institute's schools nearly broke the bank laying in supplies to do him honor.

The carriage that Cabot engaged to carry him across to the city cost him his last cent of money, but he knew it was well worth it when, still in furs and with his snowshoes still strapped to his back, he entered the Gotham building. Such a sensation did he create that he would have been mobbed in another minute had he not dodged into an elevator and said: "President's room, please."

Even at that early hour there were crowds in the financial district, and another day's crop of rumours had begun to spring. He heard nothing about the Gotham Trust Company; but when he left court at lunch time, the newsboys on the street were shouting the announcement of the action of the bank directors. Lucy had failed in her errand, then; the blow had fallen!

Solly and Freddy were several years older, and considerably wiser; but the wisdom of all these five children, if it had been compounded together, would not have amounted to the wisdom of the three wise men of Gotham who went to sea in a bowl. "O, dear!" screamed Dotty. "O, dear! dear! dear!" cried Lina; "the water rolls in over the top!"

"You say yourself that he has obtained the production rights to those 'Running Deer' stories that have appeared in the Gotham Magazine," said Ruth, with earnestness. "They are good stories, Mr. Hammond. I have read them." "Yes. I believe they are pretty good material for pictures. That is, if they were handled by a practical scenario writer like yourself." "It is too bad you did not get them."

Scudamore saw that his poor old boat, scarcely sound enough for the men of Gotham, was already complaining of the uncouth manners of the strange place to which she had been carried in the dark. That is to say, she was beginning to groan, at a very quiet slap in the cheeks, or even a thoroughly well-meaning push in the rear.

As a result of this desire for information the following telegram was sent to the president of the Gotham Trust and Investment Company: "St. Johns, N'f'l'd. Here all right. What shall I do next? And the answer came promptly: "Congratulations. Send B. I. report. If in need of funds, draw. "That settles it!" exclaimed Mr. Gregg, exultingly.

It seemed very English to me then; but when we afterward came to tackle our rear tenements, and in the first batch there was a row which I knew to have been picked out by the sanitary inspector twenty-five years before as fit only to be destroyed, I recognized that we were kin, after all. That was Gotham Court.