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It was during the third year of the war that I received a peremptory summons from the head of the Imperial Secret Service at Berlin, Baron Fisch von Gestern. "I want to see you," it read. Nothing more. In the life of a Spy one learns to think quickly, and to think is to act.

The likeness is not great, but it is sufficient." "But," I objected, abashed for a moment, "this photograph is of a man with whiskers and I am, unfortunately, clean-shaven." "The orders are imperative," said Gestern, with official hauteur. "You must start to-night. You can grow whiskers this afternoon." "Very good," I replied. "And now to the business of your mission," continued the Baron.

Wegg was accustomed to say, as another strong proof of the affinity elsewhere noticed between the genius of Strauss and that of Gotthold Ephraim Lessing; who, it will be remembered, sometimes diverted himself with the composition of light poetical pieces, such as his famous song, beginning "Gestern, Brüder, könnt ihr's glauben?"

It would be well for you to dine, at least once a week, with the British Ambassador. And now one final word" here Gestern spoke with singular impressiveness "as to the President of the United States." "Yes," I said. "You must mix with him on a footing of the most open-handed friendliness. Be at the White House continually.

The second morning the waiter who took his order recognized him and asked, "Wie gestern?" and from this he argued an affectionate constancy in the Berliners, and a hospitable observance of the tastes of strangers.

The second morning the waiter who took his order recognized him and asked, "Wie gestern?" and from this he argued an affectionate constancy in the Berliners, and a hospitable observance of the tastes of strangers.

The second morning the waiter who took his order recognized him and asked, "Wie gestern?" and from this he argued an affectionate constancy in the Berliners, and a hospitable observance of the tastes of strangers.

What does Marx say to this beginning of a letter to Tiedge, "Jeden Tag schwebte mir immer folgende Brief an Sie, Sie, Sie, immer vor"? Or to these repetitions from a series of notes written also from Toeplitz in the summer of 1812? "Leben Sie wohl liebe, gute A." "Liebe, gute A., seit ich gestern," etc. "Scheint der Mond .... so sehen Sie den kleinsten, kleinsten aller Menschen bei sich," etc.

"The United States, as you have perhaps heard, is making war against Germany." "I have heard so," I replied. "Yes," continued Gestern. "The fact has leaked out how, we do not know and is being widely reported. His Imperial Majesty has decided to stop the war with the United States." I bowed.

I gathered as soon as I received the despatch that for some reason or other Fisch von Gestern was anxious to see me, having, as I instantly inferred, something to say to me. This conjecture proved correct. The Baron rose at my entrance with military correctness and shook hands. "Are you willing," he inquired, "to undertake a mission to America?" "I am," I answered. "Very good.