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The almshouses are governed by the Ironmongers' Company, and this proposal was made; but, happily, the friends of ancient buildings made their protest to the Charity Commissioners, who have refused their sanction to the sale, and the Geffery Almshouses will continue to exist, continue their useful mission, and remain the chief architectural ornament in a district that sorely needs "sweetness and light."

As an example of the paganism of Queen Anne's reign quite a different thing from the "Neo-paganism" which now causes so much anxiety to the moral press-man let us note the affecting instance of Geffery Ammon. "He was a merry companion, and his conversation was much courted." Geffery had but little sense of religion. He is now buried on the west side of Binsey churchyard, near St. Margaret's well.

Geffery selected Binsey for the place of his sepulchre, because he was partial to the spot, having often shot snipe there. In order to moisten his clay, he desired his friend Will Gardner, a boatman of Oxford, who was accustomed to row him down the river, to put now and then a bottle of ale by his grave when he came that way; an injunction which was punctually complied with.

Master Thomas Haruie. Master Snelling. Master Anthony Russe. Master Allyne. Master Michael Polison. Iohn Cage. Thomas Parre. William Randes. Geffery Churchman. William Farthow. Iohn Taylor. Philip Robyns. Thomas Philips. Valentine Beale. Thomas Foxe. Darby Glande. Edward Nugen. Edward Kelley Iohn Gostigo. Erasmus Clefs. Edward Ketcheman. Iohn Linsey. Thomas Rottenbury. Roger Deane. Iohn Harris.

Sir Hu. Sir Gef. Yes, yes, I can; but let me see, I have almost forgott; to say truth, I never heard the reason, but as the wisest guess hum, hum he should have had her daughter. Crac. I might have had her my self, you know, uncle. Sir Gef. Peace, Nephew, peace, give Justice leave to speake. As I related, the reason I related, Sir, was as I told you. Sir Hu. You told me nothing yet, Sir Geffery.

Then to Sir Geffery Palmer, to give them to him to have bills drawn upon them, who told me that my Lord must have some good Latinist to make the preamble to his Patent, which must express his late service in the best terms that he can, and he told me in what high flaunting terms Sir J. Greenville had caused his to be done, which he do not like; but that Sir Richard Fanshawe had done General Monk's very well.

With a yet lower bow than before he replied with something of a sigh, "No, sir, no, our kind landlady and the neighbourhood are in the habit of placing doctor before my name, but I have no title to it I am not Doctor Jones, sir, but plain Geffery Jones at your service," and thereupon with another bow he sat down. "Do you reside here?" said I.

These houses at Quainton are very humble abodes; other almshouses are large and beautiful buildings erected by some rich merchant, or great noble, or London City company, for a large scheme of charity. Such are the beautiful almshouses in the Kingsland Road, Shoreditch, founded in the early part of the eighteenth century under the terms of the will of Sir Robert Geffery.

Further obseruations concerning the state of Persia, taken in the foresayd fift voyage into those partes, and written by M. Geffery Ducket, one of the Agents emploied in the same. The chief towne of that countrey is called Zegham, from whence is caried yeerely into Persia, an incredible quantitie of Hasell nuts, all of one sort and goodnesse, and as good and thin shaled as are our Filberds.

My uncle tells your ladiship the truth: We are noe peasants or unhonorable To be affronted with indignities. Suc. Here are men that has seene service. Bunch. At a mustring or ith Artillery garden. Lady. 'Twas past my pleasure, good Sir Geffery, you have had such harch entertainement from them: henceforth Ile lay my charge upon them to be more tractable. Mr. Alexander, goe call my daughters hither.