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In small families, not provided with a jack or spit, a bottle jack, sold by the ironmongers, is a valuable instrument for roasting; and where this cannot be had, a skewer and a string, or rather a quantity of coarse yarn loosely twisted, is as philosophical as any of them, and will answer the purpose as well. Do not put meat too near the fire at first.

The manufacture of native iron in Bengal, which had been pressed upon Lord Hastings, as the colonel seems to imply, by himself, and at first warmly adopted by him, was objected to in the council, and ultimately abandoned, "on the grounds that it would militate against the commercial interests of Great Britain that is, against the profits of those India stockholders, possessing votes, who followed the trade of ironmongers!"

Wafler irons are required and can be obtained at any good ironmongers of the Hebrew persuasion.

When he came to the Croix-du-Tiroir he was asked whither it was his pleasure to go; he gave orders to go towards St. Innocent. On arriving at Rue de la Ferronnerie, which is at the end of that of St. Honors on the way to that of St. Denis, opposite the Salamandre he met a cart, which obliged the king's carriage to go nearer to the ironmongers' shops which are on the St.

Moreover, now that you have been taken under Prince Rupert's protection, and have become, as it were, an officer on his ship for gentlemen Volunteers, although they have no duties in regard to working the ship, are yet officers it is hardly seemly that you should be making up the accounts of bakers and butchers, ironmongers, and ship's storekeepers."

I am told, the Ironmongers' Company of London have at their disposal funds for the liberation of such British captives as are enslaved in Southern Morocco. This money was left by a merchant who himself was made a slave there; and since that time, owing to the few British captives redeemed, it has increased to an enormous amount.

Thus there came to be guilds, or "worshipful companies," of grocers, fishmongers, butchers, weavers, tailors, ironmongers, carpenters, saddlers, armourers, needle-makers, etc. In large towns there was a tendency among such trade guilds to combine in a "united brotherhood," or "town guild," and this organization at length acquired full control of the city government.

Fill up the centre with sugar, place the fruit in a pie dish, and pour over a nice light batter, prepared as for batter pudding, and bake it an hour in a moderate oven. NUTMEG GRATERS. Those made with a trough, and sold by the ironmongers, are by far the best, especially for grating fine and fast.

Character of Haj Mousa, Governor of Mazagran. Talmudical of a Sousee Jew. False weights amongst the Mogador Merchants. Rumours of war from the North, and levy of troops. Bragadocio of the Governor. Mr. Authoris's opinion on the state of of the Country. Moorish opinions on English Abolition. European Slavery in Southern Morocco. Spanish Captives and the London Ironmongers Company.

Weavers of woollen. Curriers. Building Trades: Carpenters, wrights and joiners. Plasterers. Tilers. Ironmongers. Painters. Glaziers. Cooks and waterleaders. Vintners and taverners. Sauce-makers. Outfitting Trades: Tailors. Glovers. Hosiers. Hatmakers. Capmakers. Saddlers. Girdlers and nailers. Armour Trades: Armourers. Smiths. Cf. Household Trades: Coopers. Pewterers and founders. Potters.