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Here it was reappearing in a valet's son, as it was bound to reappear in all classes! Yes, Peterkin had supplied the one shining incident of the costly day to the colonel, who found himself without his headquarters for the night at the Galland house as planned, waiting for orders on this confounded little knoll.

"I believe it was in an English novel that I read that any woman without a hump can get any man she sets out for. It is a matter of determination and concentration and a wise choice of vulnerable objects." "Marta, Marta!" gasped Mrs. Galland. In her tone was a volume of lamentation. "Now that I'm twenty-seven mother is ready to take any risk on my behalf, if it is masculine.

"Lanny trying so hard under the pressure of his responsibility not to be human and unable to forget himself, and Westerling trying, really trying, to be human at times, but unable to forget that he is Jove! Did you wave your acknowledgments to Lanny,?" "Why, no! How could I?" asked Mrs. Galland. "He went over so fast I didn't know it was he a little figure so far overhead."

They form cover and protection for the enemy." "The orders are against it," replied the captain. "Lanstron may be a great soldier, but " declared the lieutenant petulantly. "Cut the lindens if it will help the Browns!" called Mrs. Galland. "Cut the lindens, mother! Is everything to be destroyed everything to satisfy the appetite of savagery?" exclaimed Marta.

She was hedging and petulant when she ought to have whirled around gayly and kissed her mother on the cheek, while laughing at such solemnity over a trip of exploration through the tunnel. Mrs. Galland had caught her prevaricating.

Galland said. "That is why we had asters in the bowl at luncheon. His deafness is really a cross, I never realized before what a companion one naturally makes of a gardener." "No, there's no purpose in having a deaf gardener," said Marta. "Nature distributes her defects unintelligently.

And then" she smiled in peaceful content "then I did faint. I am not ashamed of it I did!" "Without any danger of falling far!" said Lanstron happily. "Or with much of a jar!" added Marta. "You prattling children!" gasped Mrs. Galland, her cheeks flushing. "Do you think that I fainted purposely? I would have been ashamed to my dying day if I had feigned it!"

"If you don't marry him, Minna, I'll I'll " Mrs. Galland could not find words for the fearful thing that she would do. "Marry him! I have only met him three times for about three minutes each time!" protested Minna. She was as rosy as a girl and in her confusion she busied herself retying the ribbon on Clarissa Eileen's hair.

A committee of the League with copies of the special edition and transcripts of the proofs in the possession of the League went in search of David Hull and Hugo Galland. Both were out of town, "resting in retirement from the fatigue of the campaign."

The author of the original Arabic work is unknown, as is also the period at which it was composed. It was first introduced into Europe from Syria, where it was obtained, in the latter part of the seventeenth century, by Galland, a French traveler, who was sent to the East by the celebrated Colbert, to collect manuscripts, and by him first translated and published.