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While Joe was filling a plate with pigeon-pie and pouring out a glass of foaming Bass, Mr. Lavender stared at the three Germans and suffered the tortures of the damned. "I will not flinch," he thought; "God helping me, I certainly will not flinch. Nothing shall prevent my going through with it."

You have never done a dishonourable thing one for which you need blush or fear to meet the eye of an honest man? Answer me that, Hugo. I may know what you will say, but I want to hear it from your own lips." Hugo did not flinch. His face assumed the boyish innocence of expression which had often stood him in good stead. His great, dark eyes looked boldly into hers.

You are in dreadful danger. Come back!" "Never mind the danger, madame," I answered, and I saw her flinch at the word and look at me in dazed bewilderment. "Never mind my danger." "It is for your own sake, monsieur," she said more gently. "No, Mme. d'Epernay," I answered; and she winced again, as though I had struck her across the face.

"You're a brick, Beth!" applauded Ptolemy. "If you boys will be very careful and not let anyone besides us know you are here, so mudder will not hear of it, for though she'd like to see you" this without a flicker or flinch "we want her to have a nice rest. I'll come over every day except tomorrow and bring things from the hotel store, and bake up cookies and cake for you."

But she turned her face toward him and her dark eyes did not flinch as they met his, out there in the bleak old wood. "Don't, please don't, Wicker," she said softly, firmly. Her hand touched his arm for an instant. "You will understand, won't you? Please don't!" There was a world of meaning in it. His heart turned cold as ice, the blood left his face. He understood. She did not love him.

"We've resolved to take the bull by the horns and to go straight for Lupin. Plucky of us, eh? Never fear, we'll show you something better than that!" Don Luis did not flinch. Turning to Mazeroux again, he said: "Don't forget my instructions, Mazeroux." But there was a fresh blow in store for him. The sergeant did not answer his remark. Don Luis watched him closely and once more gave a start.

"I guess where I been is on the danger line, all right," Johnnie whispered. "And the Handbook said a scout don't flinch in the face o' danger, and this time, gee, I didn't!" A rest and some good food had made Cis feel like her former self by now. Presently she walked into the little room, lit a nubbin of candle, and changed into her best clothes.

This continued all day, for they were not taken down till night. In flogging, he would sometimes tie the slave's shirt over his head, that he might not flinch when the blow was coming; sometimes he would increase his misery, by blustering, and calling out that he was coming to flog again, which he did or did not, as happened.

"I tell you I know what I say! she will never love anybody else as she loves Aubrey. Besides, what is it to you whether he marries her or not?" "I feel attached to her, and want to see her happy." "As Russell's wife?" "No, sir. The marriage of cousins was always revolting to me." She did not flinch from his glittering grey eye, and her grieved look deepened. "Is she here? Can I see her?"

Some of them stared a little, at the unusual combination of two prominent seniors and an obscure underclassman, but Miss Carter did not flinch. After dinner, when Jane had gone to speak to some friends at another table, she leaned forward toward her hostess. "I want to thank you," she said shyly, "for telling me about yourself and for bringing me here.