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I hopped off with speed, but all the same we were not a whit discouraged, which seemed to disappoint him. As Gutsie and I stumbled and rolled over 4.2's and hand grenades I quoted to her from the "Fuse-top collectors" "You can generally 'ear 'em fizzin' a bit if they're going to go 'orf, 'Erb!" by way of encouragement.

He's on the bum now. 'Tis a little bughouse he is, on account of losin' his job. "'Carrambos! says the general, fizzin' like a little soda-water fountain, 'you fought, senor, with my forces in my native country. Why do you say the lies? You shall say I am the General De Vega, one soldier, one caballero "'Railroader, says I again. 'On the hog. No good.

"Bliss me, Sandy man," says I, "that's the wind soochin' throo the trees in the banker's gairden, an' fizzin' in amon' the pipes o' the water barrels. It's shurely an awfu' nicht o' wind." Juist at this meenit you wudda thocht the very deevil himsel' had gotten grips o' the frame o' oor winda.

'The big, black, ugly-faced thing; it's as long as the front fence! he'd holler, 'an' it's makin' a fizzin' n'ise at me, an' breathin' in me face! he'd holler. 'Fer th' love o' hivin', Flora, he'd holler, 'it's got a little black man wit' a gassly white forehead a-pokin' of it along wit' a broom-handle, an' a-sickin' it on me, the same as a boy sicks a dog on a poor cat.

The crowd watching them, cheered and jeered: "Goin' it some, Antoine! Don't get left!" "Keep on your pins, you Dagos!" "Steady, Polacks there's the strap!" "Gee up, Johnny!" This to the motorman. "Gosh, it's like a soda bottle fizzin' to hear them Rooshians talkin'." "Hooray for you!"

Flora says he niver see more th'n one jist one big, long, ugly-faced horrible black one; the same one comin' back an' makin' a fizzin' n'ise at um iv'ry time he had the fit on um. 'Twas alw'ys the same snake; an' he'd holler at Flora. 'Here it comes ag'in, oh, me soul! he'd holler.

"What!" exclaimed Hogan, or rather roared again, as he fastened his blazing eyes on Kate "what, you yalla mullotty, do you dar to refuse?" "Ay, do dar to refuse! an' I'd see you fizzin' on the devil's fryin'-pan, where you'll fiz yet, afore I'd dhrink it. Come, come," she replied, her eye blazing now as fiercely as his own, "keep quiet, I bid you keep calm; you ought to know me now, I think."

''Tis the big, black, ugly-faced snake, as black as a black stockin' an' thicker round than me leg at the thigh before I was wasted away! he says, poor man. 'It's makin' the fizzin' n'ise awful to-night, he says. 'An' the little black man wit' the gassly white forehead is a-laughin', he says. 'He's a-laughin' an' a-pokin' the big, black, fizzin', ugly-faced snake wit' his broomstick "

"Wall, stranger, whether possible or not," returned the cow-boy, "it's an ugly place to go past, for there's a gang o' cut-throats there that's kep' the country fizzin' like ginger-beer for some time past. A man that's got to go past Traitor's Trap should go by like a greased thunderbolt, an' he should never go alone."

"Well, he's fizzin' now, the hard-hearted ould scoundrel, for keepin' it from you; he forgot who you wor married to, the extortin' ould vagabone to one of the great Fermanagh Maguires, an' he' not fit to wipe their shoes. The curse o' heaven upon you an' him, wherever he is!