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Nec vero solum ipsa cecidit, sed etiam reliquam Græciam evertit contagionibus malorum, quæ a Lacedæmoniis profectæ manarunt latius." Cic. Off. 1. 2. See two books entitled, "Einige Originalschriften des Illuminatenordens," "System und Folgen des Illuminatenordens." München, 1787.

Let us give it in the Original too, as a specimen of German spelling: "Der Prints von Mihrau ist vohr einigen thagen hier gewessen und haben wier einige Wasser schwermer in der See ihm zu Ehren gesmissen, seine frau ist mit eber thoten Printzesin nieder geKomen. Der General schulenburg ist heute hier gekommen und wirdt morgen" That is to say:

But what is not justified is his admiration of himself an admiration so pronounced that it has landed him in a lunatic asylum. Our systems of chronology ought to be recast, cries he; and even as men have dated from A.D., so are they to date from A.N., the year of Nietzsche. Not that he expects immediate recognition: "Erst das Uebermorgen gehoert mir. Einige werden posthum geboren."

Von J.N. Tetens. Leip. 1788. 8vo. Holstein, Jutland, and Sleswick, countries in which we possess few travels, are accurately described in this work. Reise durch einige Schwedische Provinzen. Von J.W. Schmidt. Hamburgh, 1801. These travels contain curious particulars respecting the Nomadic Laplanders. Arndt, Reise durch Schweden, 1804. 4 vols. 8vo. Berlin, 1806.

Bernouilli, in his travels in Switzerland, has copied Andreæ in what relates to mineralogy and cabinets of natural history; but he has added some interesting descriptions of paintings. Kleine reisen durch einige Schweizer-Cantons. Bâle, 1780. 8vo. Zurich, 1792. 8vo. Physikalesch-Politische Reisen, aus der Dinarischen durch die Julischen, &c. in die Norischen. Alpen, 1781-83. Von B. Hacquet.

Reise durch einige Deutsche Provinzen, von Hollenberg. Stendal, 1782. 8vo. Architecture and mechanics are the topics of these travels. The following travels relate to the Hartz: 338. Geographische und Historische, Merkwurdigkeften des Ober Hartz. Leip. 1741. 8vo. Reise nach dem Oberhartz. Von J.C. Sulzer. Inserted in a collection of travels published by J. Bernouilli.