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Hic est Emanuel situs Sermonis decus Attici, Qui dum quaerere spem patriae Afflictae studeret, huc iit; Res belle cecidit tuis Votis Italia. Hic tibi Linguae restituit decus, Atticae ante reconditae. Res belle cecidit tuis Votis Emanuel. Solo Constitutus in Italo Aeternum decus, et tibi Quale Graecia non dedit Bello perdita Graecia.

Ne foret aut molles elegis qui fleret amores, Aut caneret forti regia bella pede." In the fifth Elegy of the third book occur the words "Natalem nostri primum videre parentes Cum cecidit fato consul uterque pari." As these words nearly reappear in Ovid, fixing the date of his own birth, some critics have supposed them to be spurious here. But there is no occasion for this.

The uncertainty of my judgment is so equally balanced in most occurrences, that I could willingly refer it to be decided by the chance of a die: and I observe, with great consideration of our human infirmity, the examples that the divine history itself has left us of this custom of referring to fortune and chance the determination of election in doubtful things: "Sors cecidit super Matthiam."

Cecidit illic ergo Boegsceg Rex, et Sidroc ille senex comes, et Sidroc Junior comes, et Obsbern comes," etc. Annales Rerum Gestarum AElfredi Magni, Auctore Asserio. Recensuit Franciscus Wise. Oxford, 1722, p.23.

Terence makes the remark that life is like a game at dice, where if the number that turns up is not precisely the one you want, you can still contrive to use it equally: in vita est hominum quasi cum ludas tesseris; si illud quod maxime opus est jactu non cadit, illud quod cecidit forte, id arte ut corrigas.

We bear an eagle or, on a field sable, with a silver crown, beak and claws gules, and a fine motto: NON CECIDIT ANIMUS. We are no foundling child, but a descendant of the Emperor Valens, of the stock of the Valentinois, founders of the cities of Valence in France, and Valencia in Spain, rightful heirs to the Empire of the East.

De parte insulanorum cecidit campidoctor. Maclane nomine, et dominus Dovenaldus capitaneus fugatus, et ex parte ejus occisi nongenti et ultra, ex parte nostra quingenti, et fere omnes generosi de Buchane." Lib. xv, ch. xxi.

His sour temper betrayed itself, not only in his disputes with the sophists opposed to him, whom he lashed on every occasion, but also towards his scholars, as Horace tells us, who calls him "a flogger;" and Domitius Marsus , who says of him: Si quos Orbilius ferula scuticaque cecidit. If those Orbilius with rod or ferule thrashed.