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They drew up before a great black shadow of a house, dark, forbidding, and apparently deserted. But at the sound of the wheels on the gravel the door opened, letting out a stream of warm, cheerful light, and a man's voice said, "Put out those lights. Don't youse know no better than that?" This was Keppler, and he welcomed Mr. Dwyer with effusive courtesy.

The squall coming, and the sound of it in the trees, and the very smell of the wet meadow-grass in the wind. Do you know it?" "No," replied Honora, and she was suddenly filled with shame at the thought that she had never been in the Museum. "I didn't know you were so fond of pictures." "I am beginning to be a rival of Mr. Dwyer," he declared. "I've bought four although I haven't built my gallery.

I goes back and asks Dwyer how much I got in the bank, and he looks me over like I was a sick horse he had doubts about being worth doctorin', and as if he thought he mebby might better take me out an' shoot me an' put me outa my misery.

The girls were sowing the last of the grain when Fred Dwyer appeared on the scene. Terrible were the flies, particularly when you had sore legs or the blight. Dwyer was a big man with long, brown arms and red, bushy whiskers. "You must find it slow work with a hoe?" he said.

Whether it was that Dwyer was more keenly interested in the success of his suit, or more deeply disappointed at its failure than he cared to express, or that he was in a less complacent mood than was his wont, it is certain that his countenance expressed more emotion at this direct insult than it had ever exhibited before under similar circumstances; for his eyes gleamed for an instant with savage and undisguised ferocity upon the young man, and a dark glow crossed his brow, and for the moment he looked about to spring at the throat of his insolent patron; but the impulse whatever it might be, was quickly suppressed, and before O'Mara had time to detect the scowl, it had vanished.

And while Casey expected later the loud greetings, and the handshakes and all, as a matter of fact he had thus far talked with Bill, the garage man, with Dwyer, the storekeeper and banker, and with the man from Pinnacle, who was already making ready to crank his car and go home. Lund, as a town, was yet unaware of Casey's presence.

Then Dad went on to speak of places he knew of where they preferred hoes to a plough for putting corn in with; but Dwyer only laughed and shook his head. "D n him!" Dad muttered, when he had gone; "what rot! Dan, who was still thinking hard, at last straightened himself up and said HE did n't think it was any use either. Then Dad lost his temper.

Dwyer is an upright, public-spirited man, and he thinks a great deal of your Uncle Tom." "I can't help it, Aunt Mary," said Honora. "I think he enjoys being well, being able to do things for a man like Uncle Tom." Neither Aunt Mary nor Honora guessed what a subtle criticism this was of Mr. Dwyer. "When I go on Sunday afternoons with Uncle Tom to see Mr.

"I hope I'll soon have a betther," said Andy, a little piqued, with all his reverence for the heiress, at this allusion to his poverty. "But sure it wasn't the coat you married, but the man that's in it; and sure I'll take off my clothes as soon as you please, Matty, my dear Miss Dwyer, I mane I beg your pardon." "You had better wait till you get better," answered Matty, very drily.

People who saw her at the garden party said she had the air of belonging in such surroundings much more than Emily, whom even budding womanhood had not made beautiful. And Eliphalet Hopper Dwyer, if his actions meant anything, would have welcomed her to that house, or built her another twice as fine, had she deigned to give him the least encouragement. Cinderella!