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The valley of the Dee, of which the Llangollen district forms part, is called in the British tongue Glyndyfrdwy that is, the valley of the Dwy or Dee.

He was dark, and smooth-skinned, and full of a stealthy vigour. 'I don't like porter, Maxim, she replied. 'You must ask for champagne, came the whispering, gentlemanly voice of the other. Gerald suddenly realised that this was a hint to him. 'Shall we have champagne? he asked, laughing. 'Yes please, dwy, she lisped childishly. Gerald watched her eating the oysters.

He shouted, with the inimitable accent of Tyneside: "Yo' wanted, Docto' Chwistobal. The captain thinks Mr. Boyle is bettaw." "May I come, too?" asked Elsie. "No, missie. You bide he-aw." "Please tell me before you go is the ship full of water?" "She's dwy as a bone," said Walker. A sea splashed over him and sent a shower into the cabin.

At the end of about half a minute I got up, asked what I had to pay, and on being told twopence, I put down the money. Then going up to the man I put my right forefinger very near to his nose, and said "Dwy o iaith dwy o wyneb, two languages, two faces, friend!" Then after leering at him for a moment I wished the people of the house good-evening and departed.

These fountains had their names from two individuals, Dwy Fawr and Dwy Fach, who escaped from the Deluge, when all the rest of the human race were drowned, and the passing of the waters of the two fountains through the lake, without being confounded with its flood, is emblematic of the salvation of the two individuals from the Deluge, of which the lake is a type.

During the last century, the Dwy Barakat had to sustain many wars with their rival tribes, and finally yielded to the most numerous, that of Dwy Zeyd, to whom the present Sherifs belong, and which, together with all the Ketade, form part of the great tribe of Abou Nema. Most of the Barakat emigrated; many of them settling in the fertile valleys of the Hedjaz, and others in Yemen.

After talking for some time with the esaul about next day's attack, which now, seeing how near they were to the French, he seemed to have definitely decided on, Denisov turned his horse and rode back. "Now, my lad, we'll go and get dwy," he said to Petya. As they approached the watchhouse Denisov stopped, peering into the forest.

The greater part of the Sherifs of Mekka, and those especially of the reigning tribe of Dwy Zeyd, are strongly suspected to be Muselman sectaries, belonging to the Zyoud, or followers of Zeyd, a sect which has numerous proselytes in Yemen, and especially in the mountains about Sada.

The numerals dau, tri, and pedwar, or two, three, and four, have feminine forms, becoming when preceding feminine nouns, dwy, tair, and pedair.

"Done fets dwy c'o's for Teddy," lisped the little girl, who seemed to have been well informed beforehand as to her sister's movements, although she herself had hurried down with the nurse to the river bank in company with the others immediately Jupp had rushed to Teddy's rescue. "Well, I never!" ejaculated Mary, laughing again as she turned to Jupp.