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Could I come back to you with a face like this; and you the prettiest lass on the Tyneside?" She is fumbling with her apron string. There is a half-coquettish bend of her head with the grey hairs already at the temple awakened perhaps by some far-off echo in his passionate voice. She looks up slowly, and does not answer his question. "Tell us," she says slowly. "Tell us where ye've been."

The young father was not unmindful, either, of his duty to his boy, whom he had left behind with his grandfather on Tyneside; for he saved so large a sum as L28 during his engagement, which he carried back with him in his pocket on his return to England. A sad disappointment awaited him when at last he arrived at home.

Slyne's Chare is in South Shields, and Mason's Chop House stands at the lower corner of Slyne's Chare Mason's Chop House, where generations of honest Tyneside sailors have consumed pounds of honest mutton and beef, and onions therewith. For your true salt loves an onion ashore, which makes him a pleasanter companion at sea.

In an open space near the Central Station, between the Chronicle Office and the Lit. and Phil., there is a fine statue of George Stephenson, by the Northumbrian sculptor, Lough. It is a full length representation of the great engineer, in bronze, with the figures of four workmen, representing the chief industries of Tyneside, around the pedestal a miner, a smith, a navvy, and an engineer.

I met hundreds of them wounded tall, strong, powerful men, from Queen's Island and Belfast factories, and Tyneside Irish and Tyneside Scots. "They gave us no chance," said one of them a sergeant-major. "They just murdered us."

The young father was not unmindful, either, of his duty to his boy, whom he had left behind with his grandfather on Tyneside; for he saved so large a sum as 28 pounds during his engagement, which he carried back with him in his pocket on his return to England. A sad disappointment awaited him when at last he arrived at home.

The magnificent view to be obtained, on a clear day, from Tosson Hill or the Simonsides is one to be remembered; to the west and north stretch the vales of Coquet and Alwin, with the rolling heights of the Cheviots bounding them; northward are the woods surrounding Biddlestone Hall, the "Osbaldistone Hall" of Scot's Rob Roy, awakening memories of Di Vernon; far to the eastward a faint blue haze denotes the distant coastline; while southward, over the dales of Rede and Tyne, the smoke of industrial Tyneside lies on the horizon, with the spires and towers of Newcastle showing faintly against the heights of the Durham side of the Tyne.

A very acceptable present it was, and one which George Stephenson remembered with pride down to his dying day. The Geordie lamp continues in use to the present moment in the Tyneside collieries with excellent effect. For some years more, Mr.

About 1630 one Master Beaumont laid down broad wooden rails near Newcastle, on which a single horse could haul fifty or sixty bushels of coal. The new device spread rapidly through the whole Tyneside coal-field. A century later it became the custom to nail thin strips of wrought iron to the wooden rails, and about 1767 cast-iron rails were first used.

I'll give them fits in a way they won't forget." But if Captain Kettle was keen on the conversion of the heathen to the tenets of the Tyneside chapel, he was by no means forgetful of his commercial duties. He had always got Mrs.