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That accomplished and popular young lady has abolished the use of the rod, and by substituting the law of kindness she has built up the most flourishing academy in the State." Ezra read the notice three times. Then he laid the paper down, and clapping his hand upon it, exclaimed: "Well, I'll be doggoned ef that ain't the woman for me!

Jard Hardman is in everythin'. Minin', ranchin', an' I've heard he's gone in for this wild horse chasin'. That's the newest boom around Marco. But Hardman has big interests here in town. It's rumored he's back of the Yellow Mine, the biggest saloon an' gamblin' hell in town." "Well, I'll be doggoned," ejaculated Pan thoughtfully. "Things turn out funny. You can show me that place presently.

"Your neighbors tell some good stories about you. Now skip along after those cows or I'll tickle your old legs for you!" The old man, appalled and dazed at this sudden change of manner, backed away, and at last turned and racked off up the road, looking back with a wild face at which the young man laughed remorselessly. "The doggoned old skeesucks!" Will soliloquized as he walked up the road.

"It's warm and sunny there now?" "Just like summer up here. We can go in bathing in the surf every day." Jim sprang to his feet. "Got a bathing suit?" "Yes a beauty. I've never worn it here." "Why?" "It seemed so bold." "All right. Maybe we can get a Key all by ourselves for two weeks." "Wouldn't it be glorious!" "We'll try it, anyhow. I'll buy the doggoned thing if they don't ask too much.

It's his business to unite broken bones, not hands and hearts. But, Walt, if you are really resolved on the thing, there will, no doubt, be an opportunity to carry out your intention in a correct and legitimate manner. You must be patient, however, and wait till you come across either a priest or a Protestant clergyman." "Doggoned ef I care which," is the rejoinder of the giant.

"I'll be doggoned if I know whether you are or you ain't. I'd bet a pair o' red-topped boots it's one of them lads. 'Course Beresford's got a red coat an' spurs that jingle an' a fine line o' talk. Tom he ain't got ary one o' the three. But if it's a man you're lookin' for, a two-fisted man who " A wave of mirth crossed Jessie's face like a ripple on still water. Her voice mimicked his.

Youth is ever thus, eager to guess instead of waiting for certainties. The older cowboys Yellin' Kid, Snake, Rolling Stone and those who made up the rescue party remained in silent contemplation of the approaching figure. "He rides doggoned funny," observed Snake. "Like a bag of oats," added Rolling Stone. "Looks like he'd fall off any minute."

It 'll take all I know to do that, I guess; and Firm ain't to lay no hand to it. Don't you be in such a doggoned hurry. Hold hard, can't you?" For Suan and Martin were hauling for their lives, and even I caught hold of a rope-end, but had no idea what to do with it, when the Sawyer swung himself up to bank, and in half a minute all was orderly.

"Well, but I'll hold it. Your hands are dirty." Dr. Whitmore eyed the hands disapprovingly. The Old Man read it slowly through, growing prouder every line. "You're all right, Dell I'll be doggoned if you ain't. Don't you worry about the dance I'll see't yuh get it. You go tell the Countess to bake up a lot of cake and truck, and I'll send some uh the boys around t' tell the neighbors.

She made no effort to avoid them, but held on until within hailing distance, when he heard Forsythe's voice from the bridge. "Steamer ahoy!" he shouted. "What's your cargo?" "Oil," answered a man on the steamer's bridge. "What are you holding me up for?" "Oil," answered Forsythe. "How is it stowed in cases, or in bulk?" "In bulk, you doggoned fool." "Very good. We want some of that oil."