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"Yo' mother still a eatin' of spoon vidults, Laz?" "No, doc' he 'lows she kin eat knife an' fork stuff now." "Any news over yo' way?" "Nuthin' wuth dividin'. Doc' he sewed Patterson up an' 'lows he may git well." "Why, what's the matter with Patterson?" "Sam Perdue cut him with a knife." "Fur pity's sake," Margaret exclaimed. "I ain't hearn about it," said Jasper.

"Well, I was off in a brown study so deep about artificial sins, I didn't hear Liddy come in, she shut the door so softly and trod on tiptoes so light on the carpet. The first thing I knew was I felt her hands on my head, as she stood behind me, a dividin' of my hair with her fingers.

"But," I sez, "you don't know how many plates there are in the ground, nor who'll dig 'em up." "Oh, that idee is preposterous!" sez the man, as visions of dividin' one woman's heart into eleven parts and reignin' over that little mossel riz up before him. "Men never would agree to that; there would be mutiny, internal bloodshed and sizm."

Quirk wagged his gray head. "I don't often argue with anybody, especially with you, but the damnable idea of dividin' our spoils originated in my evil mind and I'm goin' to pay the penalty. I'll ride this white-pine outlaw through by myself. You ear him down till I get both feet in the stirrups, then turn him a-loose; I'll finish settin' up and I won't pull leather." "How you talk!

He threw the vegetable dipper back into the bucket and declared that a man might as well try to drink out of a sifter. "Any news over yo' way, Laz?" "Don't believe thar's anythin' wu'th dividin'." "Nobody shot or cut?" "Let me see. Reckon you hearn about Oscar Pryor." "No, not sence he borrid five dollars of me. What about him?"

"How'd Harkey feel?" Sarah smiled. "I don't know and care less. He'll make trouble if he can, but I don't see how he can. He agreed to have the Deacon do the dividin', and he'll have to stand by it so far as I can see." Mrs. Turner looked dubious. "Well, you know Ike Harkey. He looks as though sugar wouldn't melt in his mouth, but I tell you I'd hate to have dealin's with him."

That was my judgment, and there's no appeal from it. I am the great Justinian in this case." "Did you ever save anybody's life?" she asked, putting the bottle of cordial away, as he filled his glass for the third time. "Twice certain, and once dividin' the honours," he answered, pleased at the question. "And did you expect to get any pay, with or without interest?" she added. "Me?

Mrs. Lathrop looked anxious, not to say fearful. "It was Mrs. Sperrit as begun again," the narrator continued presently. "Mrs. Sperrit said why not divide the children up among us all 'n' each take one, 'n' she looked to be talkin' sense till they started dividin', 'n' then it turned out 't naturally every one wanted the big easy ones 'n' no one wanted Augustus.

"Well," sez I, "mebby there is more or less internal heart bleedin' goin' on in the wimmen's hearts that have to divide a man's love and care a dozen times." Sez I, "A hull man's hull affections are onstiddy and wobblin' and oncertain enough without dividin' it up so many times." Them wimmen wuz touched.

His jaw-muscles ridged under his gray beard, and his eyes narrowed in angry reminiscence. "We've had two annual settlements, me and her brother. First time 'twas a free fight next time 'twas a riot third time, well, if there had been a third time I'd have killed him. So I saved myself from State Prison by dividin' accordin' to the map, and then I sent Crowther up to look the property over.