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I shrugged. "You have sharp eyes," I said, shrugging yet more, "if you can see rust on the covenant chain that binds the French to the Ottawas. Is that what you mean?" She looked up with a flash of fun and diablerie such as I never thought to see in a savage face. "Then monsieur has seen it himself?" Now this would not do; I would leave all gallantries to my subordinate.

When Lothair had finished, he looked into Ottmar's face, in utter self-irony, with the peculiar expression of bitter sweetness which he had at his command on such occasions. "Well," said Theodore, "what think you of Lothair's pretty little specimen of diablerie? One of the best points about it, I think, is that there is not too much of it."

From Butler's Hudibras and its curious notes, we may learn what immense numbers of these fellows lived upon the credulity of mankind in that age of witchcraft and diablerie. Even in our day how great is the reputation enjoyed by the almanac-makers, who assume the name of Francis Moore.

This tragedy, which, considering the wild times wherein it was placed, might have some foundation in truth, was larded with many legends of superstition and diablerie, so that most of the peasants of the neighbourhood, if benighted, would rather have chosen to make a considerable circuit than pass these haunted walls.

That singular woman, with whom his life was so closely connected, was in prison, it was true, but the Confederate authorities might release her; she might, at any moment, recommence her diablerie. Had she found that paper or had Mohun found it?

I scarcely can think of any tale of diablerie which has produced such an impression upon me." "There can't be much doubt," said Theodore, "that Fouqué got the materials for that story out of some old chronicle."

Whatever had happened, certainly the old touch of intellectual diablerie was still hers, and he laughed good-humoredly.

"And a comfairte may it gif to you," said Hortense, with a vicious shake of the silk wrapper in her hand, before hanging it in its place. "Madame has the tres diablerie, cross as de two steeks, what you call it, dis morning." Polly went softly into the room, closing the door gently after her. In the shadow of one corner of the large apartment, sat Mrs.

But Everard's training of him had suppressed all inborn vivacity. The mirth and diablerie that were his birthright had been overlaid with British phlegm, until in their stead, and through the blend, a certain sardonic humor had developed, an ironical attitude toward all things whether sacred or profane.

In this way I passed a fruitless day, and having reached the shipping region, made fast my craft, and in a spirit of diablerie spent the night in a common lodging-house, in the company of the most remarkable human beings, characterised by an odour of alcohol, and a certain obtrusive bonne camaraderie which the prevailing fear of death could not altogether repress.