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I wouldn't give a tinker's dam for you, whatever that is, if you didn't want to do something for those fellows over there. I won't even say to be careful, for you can't if you do your duty only, don't you be too all-fired foolhardy, even for war medals, Dev." "Oh, I was born to be hanged, not shot," I assured him, almost prophetically. "I'll take care of myself, and I'll write you now and then "

“I mean taken out of the carcass.” “What do you think of a hiccup! physician?” “The hiccup! wretch!” ejaculated Bon-Bon, “the hiccup! abortion of a pill-box!” and the philosopher dropped a tear. “After all,” continued the visitor, “after all, if a dev if a gentleman wishes to live, he must have more talents than one or two; and with us a fat face is an evidence of diplomacy.” “How so?”

"He he said you'd been in his cabin and and and in m mine! He s said dev devilish things. And I punched his ugly head for him! All for you! Be be because you're you're Oh God, give me the money and let me pay him and then cut him dead." "Do you mean that you owe Ole Fred money?" "Of c course. How on earth have I managed since N-naples?" "How much is it?"

When a man loves a woman with the true love, he will try to do good for her sake. Go back to that crazy New York it is the place for you. Ma'm'selle Christine is not for you." "Who is she for, m'sieu' le dev'?" "Perhaps for the English Irishman," answered Shangois, in a low suggestive tone, as he dropped a little brandy in his tea with light fingers. "Ah, sacre! we shall see.

And pray what the dev what right have you to to come upon a man of my rank in that way, and disturb me in the midst of very important meditations?" asked Mr. Scully, beginning to grow fierce. "I want your advice," said Perkins, "on a matter of the very greatest importance to me. You know my idea of marrying?" "Marry!" said Scully; "I thought you had given up that silly scheme.

I swear we won't," McTurk concluded. "Bad for the discipline of the school. Horrid bad." "Well," said the Sergeant, gathering up the tea-things, "knowin' what I know o' the young dev gentlemen of the College, I'm very glad to 'ear it. But what am I to tell the 'Ead?" "Anything you jolly well please, Foxy. We aren't the criminals."

Ay, we miss them here. "Glee. "What's a woman good for? Rat me, sir, if I know. * She's a savor to the glass, An excuse to make it pass. * "1st Dev. I fear we are like the wits above, who abuse women only because they can't get them, and, after all, it must be owned they are a pretty kind of creatures. "All. Yes, yes. "Catch.

"My young mistis des seein' her mammy 'bout her clos," replied the quick-witted Zany. "I thought I yeared voices down by the run." "Reck'n you bettah go see," said Zany in rather high tones. "What the dev what makes yer speak so loud? a warnin'?" "Tain' my place ter pass wuds wid you, Marse Perkins. Dem I serbs doan fin' fault." "I reckon Mr. Baron'll do mo'n find fault 'fore long.

Yon sink bickause I make a little playfool wiz zis tin pan zat I am dhonk?" "Oh, no, Bienvenu, old fellow, you're all right. I was afraid you might not know that old Poquelin was sick, you know, but you're not going there, are you?" "My fwang, I vay soy to tail you zat you ah dhonk as de dev'. I am shem of you. I ham ze servan' of ze publique.

She'll show them a thing or two in the cake line. And while it is in the oven what does that little dev , that provoking Freddie, do but see if he can't jump across the kitchen in two jumps. Fall? What cake wouldn't fall? Of course it falls. But it is too late now to bake another, and if they don't like it, they know what they can do. She doesn't know that she's under any obligation to them. Mrs.