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She belonged to that class of lady landowners who are for ever lamenting failures of the harvest and their losses thereby; to the class who, drooping their heads despondently, are all the while stuffing money into striped purses, which they keep hoarded in the drawers of cupboards.

Then, as she shook her head despondently the presence of Asgill had driven her into herself "Bet you a hundred crowns to one, Asgill," he said, with a grin, "cousin Sullivan don't recover her!" "I couldn't afford to take it," Asgill answered, smiling. "But if Miss Flavia had chosen me for her ambassador in place of him that's gone " "She might have had a better, and couldn't have had a worse!"

Most of the time the horses had to walk; and sometimes the man and boy had to get out and tramp a path ahead of the discouraged team. "At this rate, dad, we ain't a-goin' to git home in time fer breakfast!" exclaimed the boy, despondently. To which the man replied, "Don't you fret, son! It'll be better goin' when we git over the rise.

Then she turned to Celestina's mother. 'This idea has rather taken my breath away, she said, but her voice was pretty cheerful. 'I hardly see how it is to be managed, said Mr. Vane, for once rather despondently. 'We will talk it all over afterwards, said Mrs. Vane, at a little sign from Celestina's mother; 'and now we will leave you to rest a while. 'Oh dear, Mrs.

Heretofore poet and prophet have always questioned despondently, "Does the road wind up hill all the way?" as if to wind up hill were the type of trial, and the "descent of Avernus" were the type of joy. Does the road wind up hill? Most certainly, and thereby it leads on into the purer light, the fairer radiance, the wider view.

Had Bob cried out his name he could not have proclaimed his presence any more plainly, and as he disentangled himself from amid the wreck of the table, his face spoke eloquently the anger he felt, either at his own carelessness or the weakness of the table. "It's all up now," said Jim, despondently.

"Well, what luck have you had with your speech?" he asked, as they passed out. "'What luck, I say!" She shrugged her shoulders and smiled despondently. "The harder I thought, the fewer ideas seemed to come my way. I give you my word, Mr. Mostyn, I haven't a ghost of an argument. I don't want to vote myself, you see, and I don't see how I am going to make other women want to.

At last he rested on his oars. "We've missed it," he acknowledged, despondently. They were lost now in good earnest. It was one o'clock. The fog hung over them like a heavy gray pall, so damp and thick that it was almost stifling. Percy turned the pea-pod bow to the wind and began rowing again. "We must try to hold our own till it clears up," he observed, with attempted cheerfulness.

"So you got up to gather ye rosebuds, after all, and not to wish me God speed?" he said despondently. "Well, I should have been up anyway," replied Betty, frankly. "This is the loveliest part of the day, you know. The world looks so fresh with the first frost over it only the poor silly summer flowers take cold and die."

My bed is clean and soft bah! ten times softer than these paillasses. I would ask only a franc a night for it. That is much less than at the hotels, where they charge for light and attendance. Mademoiselle could write to her friends, if she has not enough money to carry her and the little one back to their own country." "I have no friends," I said, despondently.