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I will venture to say, there is more learning and science within the circumference of ten miles from where we now sit, than in all the rest of the kingdom. BOSWELL. 'The only disadvantage is the great distance at which people live from one another. JOHNSON. 'Yes, Sir; but that is occasioned by the largeness of it, which is the cause of all the other advantages. BOSWELL. 'Sometimes I have been in the humour of wishing to retire to a desart. JOHNSON. 'Sir, you have desart enough in Scotland.

I cum out and hab been lookin' 'bout dis place to see if I node anybody, but dey all gone ded, an nobody nose me. I tell you, boss, when you git in de desart ef nobody ses nuffin, de runaway ketchers can't kotch you. I am berry ole now, and my home folks are all ded an gone an I no nobody. De ghost ob de white man dat I kilt hants me all de time, wharebber I go, an I is a misable man.

"The blessed Father would never forgive us if we should desart one of his creatures when he needed hilp." Tim now advanced straight to the bushes, paused, and then parted them and looked in. He was heard to mutter something to himself; then he came back. "It's an Injin, a-layin' on the ground, a-groanin' and a-rollin' over.

I was set forth at the sole charge of four merchants of London; the Country being then reputed by your westerlings a most rocky, barren, desolate desart; but the good return I brought from thence, with the maps and relations of the Country, which I made so manifest, some of them did believe me, and they were well embraced, both by the Londoners, and Westerlings, for whom I had promised to undertake it, thinking to have joyned them all together, but that might well have been a work for Hercules.

The witches have also a decoy ready for him in the desart; yet he sups with Okba's daughter, without any of the sorcerers being aware of it; and afterwards proceeds to consult the simorg, without meeting with any obstacle or molestation. The simoom kills Abdaldar, too, in spite of that ring which afterwards protects Thalaba from lightning, and violence, and magic.

Tom Tully, I'm 'bout ashamed o' you. I shouldn't ha' thought as a fellow with such a pigtail as you've got to your headpiece would say such a thing of his orsifer." "Then what call's he got to go and desart us for like this here, messmet?" growled Tom Tully.

If I lift up my eyes and see the desart earth, and feel that those dear eyes have spent their mortal lustre, and that those beauteous lips are silent, their "crimson leaves" faded, for ever I am mute! But you live, my Idris, even now you move before me!

"And so is mine, Hurry, on all the different heads, and on no one is it more sartainly settled that on your'n. If I was you, I should say 'Deerslayer, tell them scamps they don't know Harry March! He is human; and having a white skin, he has also a white natur', which natur' won't let him desart females of his own race and gifts in their greatest need.

"I say it's a shame, that's what I says it is," growled Tom Tully, "and it ought to be reported. For half a button I'd desart, and go and look for him myself that's about what I'd do." Just then Chips, who had knocked off work for the night, struck in slowly, laughing heartily the while: "Why don't you say as you won't go, my lads? He's sure to send you then." "That's a good 'un," said Tom Tully.

When the world was in its infancy death must have been terrible, and man left his friends and kindred to dwell, a solitary stranger, in an unknown country. But now, he who dies finds many companions gone before to prepare for his reception. The great of past ages people it, the exalted hero of our own days is counted among its inhabitants, while life becomes doubly 'the desart and the solitude.