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It seemed hours before Nora cleared the table and served dad’s demi-tasse. I guess I then looked him full in the eyes for the first time since the occurrence on Front Street. “That was a very unkind thing for Blink Broosmore to do,” said dad, and I knew by the firmness and evenness of his voice that he had gained full control of his feelings.

The waiter poured a demi-tasse, and inquiringly lifted a lump of sugar in the silver tongs. Still Mr. Grimm didn't heed. At last the waiter deposited the sugar on the edge of the fragile saucer, and moved away as silently as he had come. A newspaper which Mr.

"Well, Foster, I've enjoyed myself immensely, but there's work awaiting me at home, and I really must run along." Mrs. Whitney, talking placidly with Captain Miller, looked considerably taken aback by her husband's precipitancy. Hastily draining the last drop of her demi-tasse, she added her thanks and good-byes, and followed her husband and Kathleen from the room.

That some wretched farmers and miners should refuse to starve, that I may not be deprived of my demi-tasse at Tortoni's; that I may not be forced to leave this beautiful retreat, my cat and my python monstrous. And these wretched creatures will find moral support in England; they will find pity! Pity, that most vile of all vile virtues, has never been known to me.

"Mais si, monsieur, in this pan I can cook an omelette large enough for you all; you will see. Ah, madame, you are off already? Celestine! Madame's bill, in the desk yonder. And you, monsieur, you too leave us? Deux cognacs? Victor deux cognacs et une demi-tasse pour monsieur!"

Then, as he hastened along with riding-whip in hand and jingling spurs upon his heels, some old bourgeois sipping his demi-tasse at the door of a café would exclaim, "There goes the Count de Cambis, le dernier gentilhomme de France!"

"And this," said Müller, with another flourish, "is the still more immortal table of the still more supremely immortal Voltaire. Here he was wont to rest his sublime elbows and sip his demi-tasse.

I called for a demi-tasse and a cigar; then took out a note-book and pencil, assumed an air of profound abstraction, and affected to become absorbed in calculations. In the meanwhile, I could not resist furtively observing the appearance of this man whom a great artist had selected as his model for one of the darkest characters of mediæval history.

Literature and the Bastinado. The Woman's Place. Owed to Volstead. The Censorship of Thought. The Uninhibited Flapper. The Wowzer in the South Seas. Reformers: A Hymn of Hate. Prohibition. A Guess at Unwritten History. In Vino Demi-Tasse. Bootleg. And the Playwright. George S. Chappell demonstrating his Outline of Censorship. Heywood Broun finds America suffering from a dearth of Folly.

"She's got to quit wasting her time on that conceited jackass," said Mr. Pelz, swallowing off his demi-tasse at a gulp. "Won't have it!" "It makes her papa mad the way the boys just kill themselves over that girl," said Mrs. Pelz, arch of glance toward Mr. Feist, who was stirring also, his eyes lowered. "Me, too," he said, softly. "Jealous!" flashed Mrs. Pelz.