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Beware of dem dat worships debbils; the debbils dat crawl; de debbils what forgits God." "Help him, Lord!" cried the multitude. Zora stepped into the circle of light. A hush fell on the throng; the preacher paused a moment, then started boldly forward with upraised hands. Then a curious thing happened.

"An' now, my dear brev'ren," said Brother Peter, "while I was a-turnin' dis subjec' ober in my min', an' wonderin' how de women come ter hab jus' seben debbils apiece, I done reckerleck dat bit ob Scripter wot I heerd at Kyarter's Mills, an' I reckon dat 'splains how de debbils got inter woman.

"Him de syfe and de spade what Massa Will sis pon my buying for him in de town, and de debbils own lot of money I had to gib for em." "But what, in the name of all that is mysterious, is your 'Massa Will' going to do with scythes and spades?" "Dat's more dan I know, and debbil take me if I don't blieve 'tis more dan he know, too. But it's all cum ob do bug."

Captain Graham and Lieutenant Emmick were ordered out with their company of one hundred colored troops. In an hour we were under way. The darkies had never been in an Indian fight and were anxious to "sweep de red debbils off de face ob de earth."

"Well, nex' thing when I come to life ag'in, I found myself in a dark, narrow, steep place, going down bump! bump! bump! and den faster bumpetty bumpetty bumpetty bump! till I t'ought ebbery blessed bone in my body would have been broke! And I t'ought how two debbils had hold of my soul, a-dragging it down to you know where," said Katie, rolling her eyes mysteriously. "Proceed," said Ishmael.

Claudia Merlin!" exclaimed the judge, in a voice of thunder, as he started to his feet and stood staring at the speaker. "Oh, ole marse, for de Lord's sake, don't! You scare away all de little sense dem debbils has lef' me!" cried Katie, shuddering. "His wretched lackey!" vociferated the judge.

Oth had learned to knit, and made "hisself s'ficiently independent, heelin' an' ribbin' der boys' socks, an' keepin' der young debbils in order," he said.

We tie him up to de bough of de tree, and we light a lill fire, jest a lill one, and first it warm his feet, and den it get bigger, and creep up and up, and bimeby it come to his head, and den he burn all up. Oh, yes; dat is a proper lesson for white debbils to learn!" "You will not do anything so horrible!" I murmured. "Hobbible! Hain't my back hobbible?

Why yer doesn't know him. Ye ought to see de way he fotches down de ducks and snipe, and a man isn't so hard to hit as dem." "Granted," said I; "but a snipe has not a loaded gun in his claws, like a Spaniard, friend Pegtop." "Makes no difference, massa," replied Pegtop, decidedly. "Saw massa Aaron, myself, fight robbers, and helped him to kill de debbils, too. Massa Aaron fight?

Now I axes ebery one ob you all wot know de Scripters ef he don' 'member how de Bible tells how our Lor' when he was on dis yearth cas' seben debbils out o' Mary Magdalum?" A murmur of assent came from the congregation, Most of them remembered that. "But did enny ob you ebber read, or hab read to you, dat he ebber cas' 'em out o' enny udder woman?"