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Ne regarde pas la figure, Jeune fille, regarde le coeur. Le coeur d'un beau jeune homme est souvent difforme. Il y a des coeurs ou l'amour ne se conserve pas. Jeune fille, le sapin n'est pas beau, N'est pas beau comme le peuplier, Mais il garde son feuillage l'hiver. Helas! a quoi bon dire cela? Ce qui n'est pas beau a tort d'etre; La beaute n'aime que la beaute, Avril tourne le dos a Janvier.

I am not referring to the joys of grandfather and grandmotherhood, and all that "art d'être grandpère" which have been written and sung until one turns a trifle sceptical about them.

Happy he who can make of tapestries the raison d'être for a few months' loitering in Europe, and can ravish the eye and intoxicate the imagination with the storied cloths found hanging in England, in France, in Spain, in Italy, in Sweden, and learn from them the fascinating tales of other men's lives in other men's times.

It may be admitted that of late, with the fomentation of a more accentuated nationalism by politicians seeking a raison d'être, additional difficulties have been created in the way of naturalisation and the like incidents. Still, when all is told of the average American citizen, qua citizen, there is not much to tell.

But what is a little vanity among so many virtues? for she is eminently virtuous, though not averse, I think, to seeking some consolation for her profound melancholy, for as she has confided to me she feels 'le besoin d'être aimé," and he smiled a little cynically, as men of the world are wont to smile at the confession of feminine weaknesses. As for Mr.

If our affirmation were inexact, if ferment cells did require for their growth or for their increase in number or weight, as all other vegetable cells do, the presence of oxygen, whether gaseous or held in solution in liquids, this new theory would lose all value, its very raison d'etre would be gone, at least as far as the most important part of fermentations is concerned.

And it seems to Margaret that when that day comes it would be most natural for her to go on the same journey with her mother. For who shall fill for her her mother's place on earth and what occupation will be left for Margaret when her "beautiful old raison d'être," as she sometimes calls her mother, has entered into the sleep of the blessed?

He said no one should have her and her fortune unless he was strong enough to carry her from the bottom to the top of the hill. Hundreds tried it was a beauty then to be fat but every one dropped her half-way, and the poor thing got "très fatiguée d'être plantée comme ça," when a handsome cavalier came along, and he succeeded.

To analyse the temperament of a great artist and then to declare that his art was but a part a little part of his temperament, is a foolish proceeding. Dandyism is ever the outcome of a carefully cultivated temperament, not part of the temperament itself. That maniere d'etre, entierement composee de nuances, was not more, as the writer seems to have supposed, than attributory to Mr.

Yet they interest me, and although I quake horribly when they are present, I derive endless amusement at other times, in speculating on their raison d'être, and curious perhaps complex constitutions. I do not believe they have ever inhabited any earthly body, either human or animal.