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"D'yer moind me 'aving a look at it, sir?" "Oh, certainly not," and my friend got off his camp-stool to let the critic have an uninterrupted view. The subject was a careful study of wild flowers and herbage, growing in the corner of an orchard. The old fellow seemed to take the picture in very carefully, and at length said: "Is it a view in Ireland, sir?" "View in Ireland!

On the day before his wedding he had a long talk with Barney Bill. "Sonny," said the old man, scratching his white poll, "when yer used to talk about princes and princesses, I used to larf larf fit to bust myself. I never let yer seen me do it, sonny, for all the time you was so dead serious. And now it has come true. And d'yer know why it's come true, sonny?"

"Clever Benny," she said, patting his head; "but why aren't you at school, sir?" Benjamin grinned. "'Ow d'yer s'pose my ma's goin' to git along without me to do for 'er and the babby?" he replied slily. "Well, Benny, you'll have the Board officer down on you." At this the urchin laughed out. "Why, 'e wor here last week!

I knew the voice from its rough harsh tones, and I lay waiting for some one to answer, but there was no reply, and all was blacker and hotter than ever, when there came the peculiar smacking noise of one passing his tongue over his dry lips, and once more he spoke. "D'yer hear, what is it?"

"We're up five flights, in th' back. D'yer really mean that you'll come an' see Lily?" Rose-Marie nodded soberly. How could the child know that her heart was all athrob with the call of a great adventure? "Yes, I mean it," she told him. "When shall I come?" The boy's grubby hand shot out and rested upon her sleeve. "Come to-morrow afternoon," he told her. "Say, yer all right!"

'Tike care no one 'ears you, she added, in a whisper, though why she whispered she did not know. 'Will yer? he asked again. 'Na you've got to get up at five. 'Oh, I only said thet not ter go inter the pub with them. 'So as yer might come 'ere with me? asked Liza. 'Yus! 'No, I'm not comin'. Good night. 'Well, say good night nicely. 'Wot d'yer mean? 'Tom said you did kiss nice.

"Don't speak, Bob: pull hard," whispered Dexter, bending forward in the boat so as to reach the rower, and encourage him to make fresh efforts, while, for his part, he kept his eyes upon the man. "D'yer hear what I say?" he roared again. "What d'yer mean by coming here to steal my boat?" "'Tain't yours," cried Dexter. "What? Didn't I buy it of yer and pay for it?"

"Why you want to know dat name?" he asked at length. "Well," said Bill, "you bin talkin' abaht it a lot, and so, d'yer see, I reckoned I'd find out. An' yesterday I 'ad to go into the cabin to get at the lazareet 'atch, an' the chart was spread out on the table." "De chart?" The Dago was slow to understand. "Ah, yais. Mapa chart. An' you look at-a 'im, yais?"

Did yer see any piratical humans monkeyin' around my boat last night?" "Why, what d'yer mean, cap'n," sniffled Hi Higgins. "I seen yer tie up here, and there yer boat is now. What d'yer mean by pira-pirawell, them parties yer mentioned? Yer mean some one took it?" "Took it yes, yer hornswoggled longshore lubber!" bellowed the captain. "I thought yer was hired as a sort uv watchman on this wharf.

Donkin's fluttering heart eased its pace, and when he looked towards the bunk again Jimmy was staring as before at the white beam. "'Ow d'yer feel now?" he asked. "Bad," breathed out Jimmy. Donkin sat down patient and purposeful. Every half-hour the bells spoke to one another ringing along the whole length of the ship.