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Looking about me, my eyes were soon gladdened by the sight of my wife, mounted behind an Indian warrior; she saw me at the same instant, and with a cry of joy strove to break her bonds and rush to my embrace; it was a vain effort, and only resulted in her receiving a blow from her savage custodian, which cowed her into silence.

Lewis Fenn was a grave looking, solemn-faced chap, who, it was evident took seriously the responsibility of his position as tabulator and in part, custodian of valuable treasures. He bowed to the girls, but said nothing beyond a word of greeting to each. "You see," said Mr. Forbes, "I locked this room myself, after you girls last evening, and nobody could get in to take the earring.

He never was confronted by the real Fowler. There was no danger of exposure by others the one custodian of his secret, Tom Flynn, died in Nevada the year following. He had quite forgotten his youthful past, and even the more recent lucky portmanteau; remembered nothing, perhaps, but the pretty face of the daguerreotype that had fascinated him.

He stood up with the rescued papers in his hand, and, having scribbled down a brief note, slipped the book in his pocket. "Now you'd better mizzle," observed the man at the window. "Thank you," replied Thorndyke, "I think we had;" and, with a pleasant nod at the custodian, he proceeded to adopt the hospitable suggestion. "Mr.

She made no answer. This time her reflections were abruptly checked as his had been on Broad Street by the cry of the other. "See! He's getting off at the Girard Avenue Theatre." Again they found a custodian for their bicycle and followed Appleton into a theatre. The young man stopped at the box-office in the long vestibule, bought a ticket, and had a call made for a coupe.

Each morning I take a gallop on the electric horse and get my blood into circulation. The first day I felt rather timid in the saddle when the custodian asked, 'Fast or slow? so I said, 'Start slow, but I quickly had him increase the speed, for I'm used to horseback riding." "We're from Texas, you know," spoke up a young woman sitting close by.

Very well, you say; and then discover that the privilege of displaying it is the perquisite of a rusty old colleague. That is to say, one custodian extols the work in order that another may reap a second harvest by turning its leaves.

This building, which is by the church, is, outside, merely one more decayed habitation. You pass within, past the little glass box of the custodian, whose small daughter is steering four inactive snails over the open page of a ledger, and ascend a flight of stairs, and behold you are in the midst of what seem to be thousands of girls in rows, each nursing her baby.

He was satisfied there was no entanglement; her heart was virgin. He even dared to hope that she had ALWAYS cared for him. It was for HIM to remove all obstacles to prevail upon her to leave this place and return to America with him as her husband, the guardian of her good name, and the custodian of her secret.

Tony by this time had regained voice enough to declare that he would go where they pleased, but that he must first say a word to the mate of the Hepzibah, who had now been awaiting him some two hours or more at the landing-place. The Count repeated this to Tony's custodian, but the latter shook his head and rattled off a sharp denial. "Impossible, sir," said the Count.