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Again Cameron's hand shaded his face from the fire while his eyes searched the old Chief's impassive countenance. "No," said Crowfoot. "Not for many days. Onawata bad man make much trouble." "The big war is going on good," said Cameron, abruptly changing the subject. "Huh?" inquired Crowfoot, looking up quickly. "Yes," said Cameron.

I asked "And what became of the black woman?" "The woman was never seen again in our quarter; and what the cry was my aunt never would say. She seemed to know though; notwithstanding, as she said, that Captain and Mrs Crowfoot denied all knowledge of it. But the lady looked dreadful, she said, and never was well again, and died at the birth of her first child.

"The trails are always open to the Great Mother's Mounted Police," said Cameron, looking the old Chief full in the eye. Crowfoot stood silent, evidently thinking deeply. "It is right that my brother should know," he said at length, "what the runner tells," and in his deep guttural voice there was a ring of pride.

We had both over-eaten ourselves, and for some hours we moved slowly about through the thickening puddle, nodding civilly when we passed each other among the feathery sprays of the Water Crowfoot. Then I began to get hungry. I knew it by feeling an impulse to look out for the dragon-fly larva, and I knew he knew it because he began to avoid me.

James Ling was second mate and Sam Crowfoot boatswain, making up the complement of our officers, besides which there was our supercargo, Edward Blyth, a young but very intelligent man, who had already made a voyage to the Eastern seas, understood Dutch as well as the Malay languages, and was thus able to act as interpreter at many of the places where we were going.

So that some two years after the scarlet tunic had made its appearance in the foothill country, Crowfoot, the famous Chief of the warlike Blackfeet, referring to the Police, said in his beautiful imagery, "They have protected us as the feathers protect the bird from the frosts of winter."

With an air of indescribable condescension Crowfoot took the pouch, knocked the ashes from his pipe, filled it from the pouch and handed it back to the owner. "Boy smoke?" inquired Cameron, holding out the pouch toward the youth. "Huh!" grunted Crowfoot with a slight relaxing of his face. "Not yet too small."

"It takes our Chief here to bring him to time. Superintendent Strong has the distinction of being the only man that ever tamed old Crowfoot. Have you never heard of it? No? Well, of course, we don't talk about these things. I was there though, and for cold iron nerve I never saw anything like it.

The voluntary means proceed from outward causes, as by making of corrosives, and applying the same to the more fleshy parts of their bodies, and also laying of ratsbane, spearwort, crowfoot, and such like unto their whole members, thereby to raise pitiful and odious sores, and move the hearts of the goers-by such places where they lie, to yearn at their misery, and thereupon bestow large alms upon them.

The Police have protected us as the feathers of the bird protect it from the frosts of winter. This is what Crowfoot said to the Great Mother's Councilor when he made a treaty with the Great Mother." Here Cameron rose to his feet and stood facing the Chief. "Is Crowfoot a traitor? Does he give his hand and draw it back again?