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Updated: August 12, 2024

Death may result from inflammation of the larynx and lungs. When swallowed in solution, the symptoms are similar to those of soda and potash. Post-Mortem Appearances. Similar to other corrosives. Method of Extraction from the Stomach. The contents of the stomach, etc., must be first distilled, the gas being conveyed into water free from ammonia. Tests.

Whilst recognizing the fact that toxic agents cannot be accurately classified, the following grouping may for descriptive purposes be admitted with the view of saving needless repetition: 1. =Corrosives.= Characterized by their destructive action on tissues with which they come in contact.

Warts may also be destroyed by rubbing them with the inside of bean shells. But these corrosives can only be procured in summer; and persons who have very delicate thin skins should not use them, as they may occasion a painful swelling. Instead therefore of these applications, it may be proper to use a little vinegar impregnated with as much salt as it will dissolve.

One day on a walk in the hills I came on Thrackles and Pulz lying on their stomachs gazing down fixedly at Dr. Schermerhorn's camp. This was nothing extraordinary, but they started guiltily to their feet when they saw me, and made off, growling under their breaths. All this that I have told you so briefly, took time. It was the eating through of men's spirits by that worst of corrosives, idleness.

But would it be worse than the privation of faith, and the horror of the soul, wrought by the spectacle of nations praying to their common Father to assist them in sabring and bayonetting and blowing one another to pieces with explosives that are also corrosives, and of the Church organizing this monstrous paradox instead of protesting against it? Would it make less atheists or more?

These were the corrosives and vinegar which she thought suitable for the case; and the Earl was never weary in depicting the same statesmen as seditious, pestilent, self-seeking, mischief-making traitors. These secret, informal negotiations, had been carried on during most of the year 1587.

Now I will reveal a Secret unto thee, that Gold, Copper, and Iron have one Sulphur, one Tincture, and one Matter of their Colour; this Matter of the Tincture is a Spirit, a Mist and Fume; as aforesaid, which can penetrate and pass through all Bodies, if you can take it, and acuate it by the Spirit which is in the Salt of Mars, and then conjoin the Spirit of Mercury therewith in a just weight, purging them from all impurity, that they be pleasant and well sented, without all Corrosives, you have then such a Medicine, whereunto none in the world may compare, being fermented with the bright shining Sun, you have made an entrance penetrating to work, and to transmute all Metals.

With an inorganic poison we may destroy all organic materials mixed with it, trusting to find the poison still recognisable after this process. Not so with an organic substance; that must be separated by other than destructive means. Through the whole evening we tested for the various groups of poisons corrosives, simple irritants, specific irritants and neurotics.

But they were corrosives and caustics dropped blazing hot upon white men's bare hands and black men's bare feet. The ex-master spurned political fellowship with his slave at every cost; the ex-slave laid taxes, stole them, and was murdered. "Make way for robbery, he cries," drawled Ravenel; "makes way for robbery and dies." "Mr. Ravenel," said Judge March, "I find no place for me, sir.

To make war without an army, to support an army without pay, to frame the hearts of a whole people to peace who were unanimous for war, and this without saying a word either in private or public; to dispose the Netherlanders favourably to herself and to Leicester, by refusing them men and money, brow-beating them for asking for it, and subjecting them to a course of perpetual insults, which she called "corrosives," to do all this and more seemed difficult.

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