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This very reasonable speech did not satisfy them. I was challenged to decide the point a la Cribb; two candidates for the honour stepped out at once. I desired them to toss up; and having soon defeated the winner, I recommended him to return to his seat.

"Well, blow my dicky, if this don't beat cockfightin'!" cried Tom Cribb at last. "Anyhow, there's the fiver, lad. But it's a rum go, and no mistake about it." After due consultation, it was agreed that Tom Spring should go into training at the Castle Inn on Hampstead Heath, so that Cribb could drive over and watch him.

I have never met the late Mr. Thomas Cribb, but I have no doubt should have regarded him with the same feeling of awe with which I look every day at George Champion, the Cock of Dr. Birch's school.

Spaniel's list, painstakingly written out in her straggling script: 8 towls 6 pymjarm Mr Gishing 12 rompers 3 blowses 6 cribb sheets 1 Mr. After contemplating this list, Gissing went to his desk and began to study his accounts. A resolve was forming in his mind. The summer evenings sounded a very different music from that thin wheedling of April.

1 State carriage. 260 Horse boxes. 555 Locomotives and tenders. 132 Sheep vans. 494 First-class mails. 7385 Goods waggons. 420 Second-class carriages. 14 Trolleys. 342 Third-class. 1155 Cribb rails. 25 Post-offices. 5150 Sheets. 242 Carriages, trucks for 162 Cart horses. letters and newspapers. 41 Parcel carts. 201 Guards' brakes. Making a grand total rolling stock of 10,663.

But he had scarcely achieved the utterance of these words, when he received a manual compliment on the head, which sent him staggering against the wall; and Mrs Todgers, dish in hand, stood indignantly before him. 'Oh you little villain! said that lady. 'Oh you bad, false boy! 'No worse than yerself, retorted Bailey, guarding his head, on a principle invented by Mr Thomas Cribb. 'Ah! Come now!

"No; he swims like a water-rat," said the doctor. "No, no," shouted Dexter, beginning to splash the water, and sheering off as he saw Dan'l about to make a dab at him with the rake. There was more zeal than discretion in the gardener's use of this implement, for it splashed down into the water heavily, the teeth nearly catching the boy's head. "Here, catch hold of this," cried Peter Cribb.

As to the lady's thoughts, she had already put away all idea of the young pugilist as a man, and regarded him now with critical eyes as a machine designed for a definite purpose. "I am glad to meet you, Mr. Mr. Spring," said she, looking him over with as much deliberation as a dealer who is purchasing a horse. "He is hardly as tall as I was given to understand, Mr. Cribb.

There, too, on the whitewashed walls, were admitted the portraits of ruder rivals in the arena of fame, yet they, too, had known an applause warmer than his age gave to Shakspeare; the Champions of the Ring, Cribb and Molyneux and Dutch Sam. Interspersed with these was an old print of Newmarket in the early part of the last century, and sundry engravings from Hogarth.

I told him, that I knew all the prize-fighters of any note, and they knew me; and that, with the exception of GULLEY and CRIBB, who I was certain would not undertake any such office, I was sure that if any one of them made the attempt, I should serve him in the same way that I had served Stone.