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Mrs. Councill, a jolly, large-framed woman, smiled brightly, and greeted her in a loud, jovial voice. She made the mistake of taking the whole matter lightly; her tone amounted to ridicule. "Sim says you've been having a tantrum, Creeshy. Don't know what for, he says." "He don't," said the wife, with a sullen flash in her eyes." He don't know why! Well, then, you just tell him what I say.

It'll mak ye look decent and respectable what ye wasna in that creeshy cloot ye're wearin, that made ye look mair like a tauty bogle than a Christian man." Thomas merely smiled at these remarks, and made no reply in words. Thus far, then, Mrs. Callender's plot had gone on swimmingly.

Mrs. Councill, a jolly, large-framed woman, smiled brightly, and greeted her in a loud, jovial voice. She made the mistake of taking the whole matter lightly; her tone amounted to ridicule. "Sim says you've been having a tantrum, Creeshy. Don't know what for, he says." "He don't," said the wife, with a sullen flash in her eyes. "He don't know why! Well, then, you just tell him what I say.

Councill because the other was so impassive under it all. At last, after a long and thoughtful pause, Mrs. Councill asked a question whose answer she knew would decide it all asked it very kindly and softly: "Creeshy, are you comin' in?" "No," was the short and sullenly decisive answer. Mrs. Councill knew that was the end, and so rose with a sigh, and went away. "Wal, good-by," she said, simply.

One is got up according to the fullest Auckland idea of Bond Street foppery, while the other prefers to go about in very "creeshy flannen;" yet the two sit at the same desk in one of the banks, and earn the same salary; and neither they themselves, nor anyone else, seems to notice any peculiarity in the costume of either.

Councill because the other was so impassive under it all. At last, after a long and thoughtful pause, Mrs. Councill asked a question whose answer she knew would decide it all asked it very kindly and softly: "Creeshy, are you comin' in?" "No," was the short and sullenly decisive answer. Mrs. Councill knew that was the end, and so rose, with a sigh, and went away. "Wal, good-by," she said, simply.

"Oh, these are the hymns and praises o' the auld wives and creeshy louns o' Auchtermuchty, wha are gaun crooning their way to Heaven; an', gin it warna for the shame o' being beat, we might let our great enemy tak them. For sic a prize as he will hae! Heaven, forsooth!

"You used to be more modest," said I. "I remember that you once nearly broke your heart because you couldn't summon up courage to ask Creeshy Hammond to go to the 'Fourth' with you; d'ye remember?" "Well, I guess, yes!" he replied. "Wasn't I a miserable wretch for a few days! And I've never been able to ask any woman I cared about, the fateful question, yet."

There was cousin 'Creeshy, as we called her; Lucretia, more correctly. She was a cripple. Her left lower limb had had something happen to it, and she walked with a crutch. Her patience under her trial was very pathetic and picturesque, so to speak, I mean adapted to the tender parts of a story; nothing could work up better in a melting paragraph.

"Aye, I was speakin' aboot Creeshy Callum's coffin that oor Saunders the muckle tongueless sumph there got dirt cheap ye see Greeshy had been measured for't, but, as he had a short leg and a shorter, the joiner measured the wrang leg joiners are a' dottle stupid bodies an' whan the time cam' for Creeshy to be streekit, man, he wadna fit na, it maun hae been a sair disappointment till him that is to say gin he war in the place whaur he could think wi' ony content on his coffin, an' that, judgin' by his life an' conversation, was far frae bein' a certainty."