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There was silence, the awful hiss of the man's breathing was heard from under the heap of stones. The serjeant-at-law completed his quotation. "Adde augmentum abstinentiæ ciborum diminutione. Consuetudo brittanica, art. 504." The two men, the sheriff and the serjeant, alternated. Nothing could be more dreary than their imperturbable monotony.

If I must run the hazard of an uncertain choice, I am rather willing to have it under such a one as is more confident in his opinions than I am in mine, whose ground and foundation I find to be very slippery and unsure. Yet I do not easily change, by reason that I discern the same weakness in contrary opinions: "Ipsa consuetudo assentiendi periculosa esse videtur, et lubrica;"

This is a very comfortable belief, however erroneous. Every nation has many such examples of its own; but this subject would require a treatise by itself. To add one word more to my former discourse, I would advise the ladies no longer to call that honour which is but their duty: "Ut enim consuetudo loquitur, id solum dicitur honestum, quod est populari fama gloriosum;"

This is perhaps the strongest instance that could be cited of what civilians call the consuetudo obrogatoria." This being the nature of my title, the reasons should be very urgent which should justify my being forcibly dispossessed of it. But there are no such reasons apparent.

Jucundus was hot-tempered, but easily pacified; and he really did wish to be on confidential terms with his nephew at the present crisis; so he caught at his apology. “Now you speak like a reasonable fellow, Agellius,” he answered. “Certainly, I will speak to Aristo, as you wish; and on this question of consuetudo or prescription. Well, don’t begin looking queer again.

It is true, that if the affection or aptness of the children be extraordinary, then it is good not to cross it; but generally the precept is good, optimum elige, suave et facile illud faciet consuetudo. Younger brothers are commonly fortunate, but seldom or never where the elder are disinherited. Of Marriage And Single Life

But this is hardly worth mentioning, for it is clear that there is, generally speaking, a mode of spelling the English language which is followed by all well-educated persons; and as, according to Quintilian, the consensus eruditorum forms the consuetudo sermonis, so this usage of spelling, adopted by general consent of the learned, becomes a law in the republic of literature.

The arguments against the measure were chiefly these: The objectors drew a distinction between what was legal according to the strict letter of the law, and what was constitutional; contending that there might be exercises of the prerogative which could not be affirmed to be illegal, but which no one would deny to be altogether inconsistent with the principles and practice of the constitution, since a great part of the constitution rested on unwritten law, on long-continued usage, Lex et consuetudo Parliamenti.

My poetry was now the jest of every company, except some few who spoke of it with detestation; and I found that, instead of recommending me to preferment, it had effectually barred me from all probability of attaining it. "These discouragements had now induced me to lay down my pen and write no more. But, as Juvenal says, Si discedas, Laqueo tenet ambitiosi Consuetudo mali.