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New experiences are awaiting him. He is far away from the mob that pelted his windows with stones and yelled 'Conspuez! Conspuez! whenever he left his house. Here there is no hostility. Here quietude prevails, save for the shrill whistles of arriving or departing trains. Yet he is also far from the great majority of his affections and friendships.

So absorbed was the man in something which he was writing on the stones that he did not hear John's approach, and the latter, coming up from behind was enabled to see over his shoulder. In large letters of chalk he read the words: "Conspuez le Prince." John's knowledge of French was not profound, but he could understand this, and it annoyed him.

But I will show him; I will, as you call it, score most bitterly off him; I will do in my way successfully what he vainly seeks to do in his way. Conspuez Dawson!" "This is quite like the old times of the Dreyfus case," said the Englishman. "Dreyfus! But I will speak not of that. It is buried. We French are one people now, one and indivisible.

You wouldn't see a trace of them or their language anywhere in Europe except in a cabinet d'aisance. And says John Wyse: Full many a flower is born to blush unseen. And says Lenehan that knows a bit of the lingo: Conspuez les Anglais! Perfide Albion!

Come to the human beings! Conspuez Voltaire! I promise you I will not detain you long. We know, we children of science, that the universe is full of forces and powers and energies of one kind and another.

Meanwhile the courtyard of the Palais de Justice was rigorously closed against all who could not establish a right to entry, but outside the railings a great mob continually surged, and at such times as they could escape from their scholastic labours an army of students marched up and down singing: "Conspuez Zola!" to a tune roughly based on the air of "La Donna é mobile."

"In the first place," he says, opening out bicycle-maps, "my uncle, who, I regret to say, is a brigadier-general, has sold his alleged soul to Dicky Bridoon for a feathery hat and a pair o' gilt spurs. Jules, conspuez l'oncle!" So Jules, you'll be glad to hear 'One minute, Pye, I said. 'Who is Dicky Bridoon?

He has shown himself to be a blundering, conceited English pig, and I will protest to the Chief that never again must he keep me in ignorance of his projects. I shall laugh at him; all our people here will laugh. I shall be revenged. Conspuez Dawson!" "Don't be too hard on Dawson," urged Rust.

And the other side would unfailingly send out its recruiting agents to assemble a contingent of loafers at two francs per demonstration, who would be duly instructed to yell 'Conspuez, and 'A bas les juifs. Then a brawl would inevitably follow. There was no question of refusing to 'face the music, of shunning a hostile crowd, and so forth.

'Thinking in communities' is good for him. The hooligan, whose patriotism finds expression in squirting dirty water into the face of his coster sweetheart: the boulevardiere, primed with absinth, shouting 'Conspuez les Juifs! the motive force stirring them in its origin was an ideal. Even into making a fool of itself, a crowd can be moved only by incitement of its finer instincts.