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Tutti vanno alla rinfusa Sulla musica confusa, or, as one English translation has it: All is going to dire confusion With the music in collusion. Perhaps, too, Boito had inherited a love for the vigorous dance from his Polish mother. Night falls, and Faust is returned to his laboratory.

The shiriffe was as readie to giue battell as the earle to receiue it, and so with a standard of S. George spred, set fiercelie vpon the earle, who vnder a standard of his owne armes incountered his aduersaries with great manhood. Fl. out of Tho. Walsin. Stirps Persitina periet confusa ruina.

It forms an upright, branching bush usually about 3 ft. high, and is best known under the name of S. confusa. S. PRUNIFOLIA. China and Japan, 1845. A twiggy-branched shrub growing 4 feet or 5 feet high, with oval, Plum-like leaves, and white flowers. There is a double-flowering variety named S. prunifolia flore-pleno, which is both distinct and beautiful. S. ROTUNDIFOLIA. Round-leaved Spiraea.

Affectus est confusa idea, quâ Mens majorem, vel minorem sui corporis, vel alicujus ejus partis, existendi vim affirmat.” Spinoza, Ethices, Lib. III. ad finem.

Oh! which of us can now diffide That God will us defend, Who hath been always on our side, And will be to the end. Spes confisa Deo nunquam confusa recedet. Hope which on God is firmly grounded Will never fail, nor be confounded. Scarce was the before-mentioned storm of outward persecution from the Government blown over when Satan raised another storm of another kind against us on this occasion.

SERMO: 'style of speaking'; a word of wider meaning than oratio, which only denotes public speaking. With the whole passage cf. Plin. Ep. 3, 1, 2 nam iuvenes confusa adhuc quaedam et quasi turbata non indecent; senibus placida omnia et ordinata conveniunt.