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But in less than an hour fresh clouds had rolled up, blotting out the sun; and on the glacier they overtook the yaks and their drivers, lumbering soberly through the snow-drifts with true Oriental disregard for time. The men chorussed voluble excuses; but since time meant life or death, Lenox waved them aside impatiently, and ordered the guide to go on, making his own tracks as best he might.

Soon as you says that he claps on his sword, takes his pistols, and orders you all into the boat; and says he, `If you dare to come back without Mr Leigh I'll string one of you up to the yardarm." "That's it," chorussed several of the men. "Yes," said Billy Waters; "but suppose we do come back without him, and he do string us up how then?" "Ah! but he won't," said the boatswain.

The subalterns for whose exuberant fooling Honor had a very tender tolerance had 'chorussed' themselves hoarse and thirsty; and were receiving the reward of the public-spirited out of long misty tumblers, that fizzed and bubbled.

Meanwhile Dan Ridley, the tailor, had again reverted to the subject of Miss Vancourt. "There's one thing about her comin' to church," he said; "If so be as she did come it 'ud do us all good, for she's real pleasant to look at. I've seen her a many times in the village." "Ah, so have I!" chorussed two or three more men.

The unusual thing, which nobody else heard, was that he said to her then with shamed discomfort, "It doesn't matter it doesn't matter," and that Hilda, driving away, found herself without a voice to answer the good-nights they chorussed after her. Arnold begged a seat in Captain Corby's dog-cart, and Hilda, with her purple train in her lap, heard the wheels following all the way.

"And if ever a man, Stopped the course of a can, Martin Hanegan's aunt would cry 'Arrah, fill up your glass, And let the jug pass; How d'ye know but what your neighbour's dhry?" "Come, my lord and gentlemen, da capo, if ye please Fill up your glass," and the chanson was chorussed with a strength and vigour that would have astonished the Philharmonic.

There is hardly a quadruped on the land, a bird in the air, or a fish in the water to which it has not been ascribed by some one at some time; but never, I am rejoiced to say, has any Butterfly ever dreamed of attributing it to the obnoxious thing to which you have unaccountably made reference." "We should rather think not," chorussed all the Butterflies.

Rolleston attempted a feeble remonstrance. "The children will be disappointed if Cecil goes away," which sentiment they eagerly chorussed. "Well, you must spare her to-day," said their father, "for I want her too. It will be much better for Cecil to take a quiet drive after her exposure yesterday, than to grill on those islands all day." It was quite evident opposition would be useless.

"You bet," chorussed the others. "They've garrisoned the mines, so let's go through the town and make a clean job of it. Let's hang the whole outfit to one post." This met with general approval, Glenister alone demurring. Said he: "I have reasoned it out differently, and I want you to hear me through before deciding. Last night I got word from Wheaton that the California courts are against us.

"And the Sergeant who takes that?" demanded the manager, a young fellow of their own class, familiarly addressed as "Matty." The caste, which had been churning senselessly about him, chorussed an explanation. "A professional takes that, Mat, don't you remember?" "Well, where is she?" Matty asked irritably. Julia here sauntered superbly forward, serenely conscious of youth, beauty, and charm.